Do you ever wonder if your Pilates instructor just comes in and hangs from the Cadillac or maybe hangs over the high barrel to stretch their spine when no one else is around?  We do!!  It‘s the day before our Pilates Day celebration and I had an hour break before my last client of the […]

If you are looking at our line up of events at Pilates Day this year you might be surprised to see we are offering not only FREE Pilates but also a FREE Yoga class.  During our open house time (10 am to 12 pm)  we will also be offering Tasting Stations that include not only […]

What is Pilates Day? Pilates Day is an annual, international, community event celebrated on the first Saturday of May every year. The Pilates Day mission is to foster the public’s appreciation and awareness of the Pilates Method through a network of varied, innovative, and high quality grassroots Pilates events accessible and affordable for all. Why […]