I just watched the amazing documentary about Eve Gentry: The Power of Pilates.  Eve Gentry is considered a Pilates elder as she is a first generation Pilates instructor who trained with Joseph and Clara Pilates.  Her story is quite amazing and inspiring and if you get the chance- watch the documentary.  There were so many […]

I often get asked about difference between Pilates and Yoga. I can tell you I feel very comfortable talking about what Pilates is, the benefits, the order, the anatomy of exercises, the breath,and what it can do for your life, etc. I’m not so comfortable talking about the Yoga in the same way. I have […]

I’m not going to lie…I’m kind of glad MarchMATness is over!  As much as I LOVE the daily celebration of Joseph Pilates Mat exercises I was getting a little bit tired of creating daily video, pictures and blog posts!  My Pilates practice in March definitely revolved around March Matness.  Much of my free time at […]