Swimming is one of the Pilates exercises I have a love/hate relationship for..maybe you can relate?  Because it is a challenge for me to lift my body off the mat into an extension from this prone position this exercise is really difficult for me and I feel like I’m not doing it very well because […]

Combine Teaser and Corkscrew and what do you get? Hip Twist with stretched Arms (sometimes called Hip circles too)!  This can be an especially challenging exercise that combines many of the skills from previous exercises.  To do the full version of this exercise you not only do you need to be able to hold your […]

The Teaser is one of the most famous Pilates exercises and for good reason- it is a challenging exercise that really embodies all of the Pilates principles into one beautiful exercise!  The Teaser exercise can also be found in many of the other Pilates exercises…Hundred(low teaser position), Roll up, Roll over, Open Leg Rocker (just […]