I’m a student at Rivercity Pilates, and I’ve been practicing Pilates for almost two years.   I had no idea that my Pilates practice would turn me into Pilates evangelist. Pilates has changed the way my over 55 year old body feels! So when one of my oldest friends (old being the time we’ve been […]

Have you seen some of our short Office Pilates videos and thought,”Sure I can do these things, but if I’m not practicing Pilates 2 or 3 times a week is this really doing me any good?  Or maybe you’ve thought,” These things are way to simple and basic to be effective!”. Maybe you’ve said to […]

“Where are your Nipples?”  Yes, that’s what I said! Sometimes all it takes to find good posture and alignment is a simple little phrase or reminder like, ” Where are your nipples?” Need a visual of what I’m talking about? You’ll have to use your imagination today – as much as I love sharing a […]