Today is Joseph Pilates Birthday and I thought it would be nice to write a thank you to the man who has influenced my life in a very profound way and the lives of so many others.  This year when I was at the Pilates Method Alliance Annual Conference I was listening to Mary Bowen(Pilates […]

In today’s Office Pilates video Carey shows you how to use your fitness band to stretch your hamstrings and calves easily at work.  Tight short hamstrings can pull on your pelvis and create a tight low achy low back, especially if you are sitting for long periods of time.   For more ways that you […]

In today’s Office Pilates series Carey shows you how to do a seated clamshell exercise right at your desk!  Get the benefits of the Pilates side leg kick series right at the office!! Carey uses a fitness band to show you how to incorporate this exercise into your work day!!   For more ways that […]