Something I hear often from people when they know I own a Pilates and Yoga studio is,” I am soooooo unflexible, I really need to take Yoga.”  It is true that that many people could use more flexibilty in their bodies and a mind body practice like Yoga may help, but I find that most […]

Little did I know, that a videotape that I picked up shopping at Target would change my life.  As a personal trainer, those workout videos that Target puts on the ends of the aisles, always attracted me, and one day I picked up a Gaiam Beginning / Intermediate Pilates Mat Work videotape with Ana Caban. My journey […]

Introducing Neural Reset Therapy® Neural Reset Therapy® (or NRT) is a painless, approach to getting rid of muscular pain and tightness, more quickly and effectively than anything you’ve ever experienced before! It is done over clothing and is more comfortable to the client than deep tissue techniques. This is Sara’s “go-to” technique and will be […]