My first and until last week, my only experience at yoga was at one of those big box gyms. You know, the kind you join for $30 or $40 a month? I wanted to de-stress, I wanted to be more flexible, and I had read that yoga helps with that. I went once. It was […]

As healthcare and healing modalities continue to evolve, Yoga is quickly becoming an intricate part of health and wellness programs because of it’s ability to promote health and healing at all levels:  physical, emotional and spiritual.   Check out these Top 10 reasons to begin a Yoga Practice at Rivercity Pilates!    We have private […]

Being able to teach Pilates has opened so many doors and possibilities for me.  When I started the Pilates instructor program I was just a kid( 25…). I was looking for something to be passionate about, something I could get excited about, something that helped others but also helped me….. My choice to teach Pilates […]