I’m guessing you’ve never been at the gym doing bicep curls and had your trainer ask you,” How did that exercise feel in your body?”  As a Pilates instructor this is a question I often ask my clients as we work together.  You see,  learning the method of Pilates in your body isn’t just doing […]

This blog is the 2nd part of my yoga blog, which describes my first yoga experience at Rivercity Pilates.    If you haven’t read it, My Pilates practice taught me to love yoga“?   I don’t know if that’s true for me yet, but my first yoga class did convince me that maybe I should […]

When I meet someone new and our conversation leads into what I do for a living I often get comments like, “Awesome- you get paid to workout all day!”.  When someone asks me how many hours I teach each week and I answer 30 to 40 I usually get a jaw dropping expression.  Not because […]