The Hundreds are a great Pilates exercised designed to warm up the whole body while specifically targeting your core muscles and your Pilates breath! Click the video above to learn our Top 5 Ways to do the Pilates Hundreds Exercise! We are challenging you in July to do your Pilates Hundreds exercise EVERY day! If […]

Janee Anderson When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start? I decided to begin Pilates in 2008 because I wanted something to do to help me manage stress.  I also knew I had to work on my posturing and get my body in better physical shape. Why do you do Pilates and […]

The Roll Down on the Cadillac is a great exercise for gaining more mobility in the spine as well as strengthening the core and shoulder stabilizers. This video will highlight the basics of the exercise including how to set up and breathing. It will also give you some fine-tuning tips so that you can get […]