Have you ever been just walking through your day as normal, to suddenly find yourself in what seems like a slow motion moment where your feet slide out from underneath of you and you find yourself strategizing in a split moment what might be the best way to fall? This has happened to me and […]

I was chatting with a client the other day ago about our Roll,Release and Relax class and he said, ” I like it, but it wasn’t much of a workout.” I went on to explain that Roll, Release and Relax was not meant to be a workout, it was meant to be a self care […]

I’ve been teaching Pilates for a long time and in that time I have gotten to observe a lot of different people and different bodies who come to Pilates and give it a try.  On a daily basis I get to hear from clients about how their Pilates practice has changed their life,made them stronger, […]