Have you ever heard anyone say, “I do Pilates to lose weight and keep it off”?  Probably not, and here’s why: The Pilates method of exercise encompasses so much more than physical exercise and physical benefits!  Even if you started practicing Pilates to drop some pounds, usually the transformation that happens by practicing Pilates is […]

I clicked my harness to the beloy and started climbing… it was fun and I was proud of myself for being able to climb so high. And then everything changed. The climbing instructor hollered to me to stop and come down. He says ,”Just lean back and let go to come down” Then I hear […]

What do you love about teaching Pilates? I love the challenge of helping clients move their bodies- becoming stronger and more flexible in the process- and watching them become more confident in their capabilities. There’s nothing better than hearing a client say, “That felt great!” How has teaching Pilates changed your life? I’m stronger, more […]