“I feel amazing when I get done with Pilates!”    “I never get out of breath during Pilates.”     “I’m never super sore from Pilates, yet I can tell I did something.”    “I feel taller and longer when I’m done with Pilates.”  “I actually enjoy Pilates!”   All the reasons that so many […]

Let me begin by telling you that I was never very confident. Nope. Not me! As a young girl, I felt contented and enjoyed my life very much, but somewhere amidst those years of growing up, I lost confidence. Totally! :/  Perhaps it was because I grew up in the 60’s?!? It was a turbulent […]

Inspiration of the Month Theresa Johnson When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?          I talked my friend Diana into taking a beginning class with me. I have had back problems for years and I was looking for a way to get stronger and relieve that pain. I […]