When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?  I started Pilates semi-privates with a friend years ago, but when I tripped over the dog and broke my hip in April 2016, all that stopped. I did everything that was recommended by the professionals to decrease the pain and get my range of motion, flexibility and […]

Hearing how people found Pilates is one of my favorite things!  Everybody’s journey is different and everybody has their own reasons for why Pilates has become important in their life.  Brenda is just finishing up our Pilates Mat Teacher Training Program and I just loved her story of how she accidentally found it when her girlfriends convinced […]

  Sunday, December 9 at 3 pm with Carey Sadler This Pilates inspired movement class will combine stretching, release work using small therapy balls and traditional Pilates exercises. We’ll explore how movement can be used as a self care tool to help you feel better in your body and specifically your back. You’ll leave class […]