Snap, crackle, pop….Does the sound of your body creep you out a little bit?  Do you find that as you get older you start hearing more and more cracks and pops when you move?  You are not alone and you are completely normal!!    The sound you hear is caused by air bubbles in the […]

Have you ever wondered if you could be a Pilates teacher?  And if so …why haven’t you pursued it?   The number 1 question I get from people as they are considering becoming a Pilates teacher is:  Am I physically ready to go through the program?   This may be code for, “Do I need […]

Does the thought of going to  “the gym” to workout sound like one of the worst things in the world to you?  Do you immediately cringe when you think about having to put your workout clothes on and go into a large room with all kinds of people you don’t know while you try to […]