Life Inspired is a monthly free community event! Friday, July 27th 6pm to 7:30pm Butt, Thighs, Arms and Abs, Oh my! with Shannon Ottoson Shannon’s all level Pilates Mat class: Butt, Thighs, Abs and Arms..Oh My! is guaranteed to work all those places you know you need! This is a great class for a beginner to […]

I overheard a conversation the other day ago where a couple of my Pilates clients were talking about the new Yoga class we were offering. One of the students had been taking the class and mentioned to the other student she should try it.  Her response was ,”I probably should…but Yoga is hard!”    This […]

Most devoted runners and cyclist are amazed at how much of a difference just 1 or 2 Pilates workouts per week can make in how their body feels and how it keeps them from getting those reoccurring injuries that often sideline them from their favorite exercise!    One of my favorite quotes from Joseph Pilates says, […]