Cheryl Ring    Inspiration of the Month July 2018 When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start? I’m not actually sure! April 2016? (we looked it up Cheryl!) Watching my mom and aunt age was the kick I needed to start. I was looking for something that would help me stay strong and that I could […]

I have 3 Pilates secrets for you!  Absolutely every Pilates workout you do is designed to be a total body workout that strengthens your core the entire time! Who doesn’t want that? The absolute key to progressing quickly and safely is in how you do the exercises.   This is the big one…Using the Pilates […]

Are you an exercise person?  I define an “exercise person” as a person who naturally enjoys movement and adds it into their life on a regular basis.  You know….the person who likes to train for a race, maybe even conquered a marathon or a 50 mile bike ride. Those people that ride their bike to […]