When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?
I started seriously doing Pilates last fall. To be completely honest, Becky made me start going to Pilates. She decided we both needed to be doing something active. When I didn’t have a plan, she signed us up for a couples Pilates class. After my first class I still had mixed feelings. A few months later, and while I still think she should have allowed “aerobic fishing” as an option, Becky signed me up for some private sessions. I really started enjoying Pilates after getting those private sessions under my belt to get an understanding of the different equipment and movements.
What benefits have you seen by committing to a regular Pilates practice?
When I first started Pilates, my favorite things were just the quiet focused time spent doing Pilates and the warm relaxed flexible period afterward. After doing Pilates for a while, I started to notice that I was stronger and much more flexible.
The most amazing benefit from Pilates has been that my back pain gradually went away. It happened so gradually that I’m not exactly sure when it happened. One day after some strenuous activity that would have usually left me with a lot of pain the next day, I realized that my back wasn’t bothering me. Then thinking about it, I realized that I couldn’t remember the last time I had back pain. I’ve struggled with chronic (and occasionally acute) back pain for years due to issues related to being in the Army and SCUBA diving (heavy equipment), and my being overweight and a job that had me sitting at a desk for hours at a time.
Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?
I initially liked the Cadillac – probably the big hardware/guy sort of thing. But after doing Pilates for a while I’ve discovered that using the different pieces of equipment is part of the fun. Even the same exercise on different equipment gives you a slightly different motion.
What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?
I was at the bookstore and had that very discussion with someone about Pilates after we talked about how hard it was to see and reach the magazines on the lowest shelf ( especially if you had a sore back). They were wondering if they could just pick up a book or a video on Pilates. I suggested that initially taking private sessions would be the way I’d recommend. Taking private sessions initially would allow them to learn how to do the movements properly. Also, without using the equipment, it’s hard to appreciate how much assistance it provides for some of the exercises.