Inspiration of the Month

May 2020 – Anat Levtov

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?
I first visited the Rivercity studio for a yoga class with a friend in the summer of 2017. Earlier that year I had gastric bypass (weight loss) surgery and had added physical activity to my daily routine – but there is only so much walking one can do! As my health and mobility improved, I was excited to try something new and took advantage of the first free class to take a few private equipment classes. I loved the combination of the controlled pace with the strength and flexibility work and started attending mat classes about twice a week. 

Over the next year, I tried the barre, reformer, Oov, and my two favorites – jumpboard and the summer paddleboard Pilates on the lake! I loved every single class, but the 25 minute drive to and from my house to the studio started to get long, especially with the endless construction on 965, and I hadn’t taken a class for over a year when #Quarantine started in March. 2.

How often are you taking virtual classes during #stayathome and what type of classes have you been doing?    Amazingly for me, I’ve been taking at least 5-6 classes per week, sometimes even two per day on Sundays. I have been trying everything that fits in my schedule – mat classes with Carey, Shannon, Janee, and Jane; barre with Nancy; big ball and intermediate flow with Kathryn; Tower on the mat with Rachel; yoga with Kim; and even Zumba for my first time ever. Carey was kind enough to drop off some props at my front porch, so I’ve been able to break in my new theraband, playground ball, and foam roller in different classes. I’ve been mirroring my computer screen on my TV so I can follow along without twisting and have had the chance to do several classes on my screened porch on a nice day – you can’t beat the late afternoon breeze and chirping birds during yoga!

What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates and Yoga, especially during this challenging time? 
I honestly can’t imagine what I would do without virtual classes right now! I am not much of a morning person usually, but I have found that starting my day with a 6:00 am class (and only having to get up a few minutes before to make it!) has been a great mood-setter for a positive day. Taking yoga on Sunday nights has also been a great preparation for the work week, which involves a lot of sitting and screen-staring.

The first time I took the big ball class, I had to stop every few minutes to take a break. I’m thrilled to say that I have noticed a marked improvement over the last few weeks in my range of motion and strength, and I can definitely get through the majority of the class without crashing on the mat. I even felt brave enough to take an intermediate class these last two weeks – I loved trying new exercises and knowing that I am working towards completing them! I, for one, am hoping that the virtual options continue alongside in-person classes once this is all behind us.

Do you have a favorite exercise? 
Jumpboard is totally the best – cardio with no impact! I also think that end-of-class roll down and plank walk-out on the paddleboard is such a fun experience – balance, strength, and fear of falling in the water all together!

What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates or Yoga?  This is the perfect time to try something new. You’ll be in the comfort of your home but still have the guidance of an experienced instructor and the support of such a friendly and welcoming community. Do it!

Mixed Up Mat

Here’s an at home workout for you to try!

Carey Sadler getting ready for a virtual class

Pandemic Pilates

Isn’t it crazy how life can change so quickly? Like you, myself and the staff at Rivercity Pilates are adapting to a new normal for awhile! As hectic as it’s all been, we are super excited about all of the amazing things that are coming out of this experience. We are so appreciative of the fact that technology allows us to continue to serve you even if we can’t see you in the studio!

We are headed into April with the assumption that we are going to need to be virtual for awhile and we are excited about it! We of course will be super excited when we can see you in person, but until then we are going to be delivering the BEST motivation and movement teaching we can right in your house! Be sure to check out our virtual class schedule where we have over 30 virtual classes each week that you can take in the privacy of your home!!

If you haven’t tried a virtual class yet simply sign up in Mindbody for a class and we’ll email you instructions on how to take class utilizing Zoom as well as give you a free class on your Mindbody account.

In these challenging times I am reminded of something I say to my kids often. There are many things we don’t have control of, but we do have control of how we decide to react to what has happened.

I have been so proud of our Rivercity Pilates staff and community as I have watched them react by making the decision to stay positive. They have looked for the silver linings and taken action on the things they can control, like continuing to help others and maintaining their own health and wellbeing. I truly believe that choosing to make those positive reactions and choosing to surround yourself with people who do the same, will result in us all being stronger and better as we navigate this year!

Keep moving, stay positive and I hope to see you virtually in class this month!

Pilates can help

A few months back (long before COVID-19 entered into our world), I taught a class that I called the “we can do hard things class”. I started class talking to my crew of Pilates Mat students and told them about how I really believe that having a physical movement practice where you push yourself is so empowering in your life.

When you commit to working out on a regular basis, when you commit to doing something because it’s good for your health even when you don’t really want to do it, when you do the last rep or two even though your body really is tired and wants to skip it….you remind yourself that you can do hard things. You remind yourself that even though your mind is telling you that you can’t possible do one more…you actually can! You remind yourself that you always have a little more to give when it feels like you don’t. I reminded everyone that doing hard things never means we do something that could injure or hurt us, we always want to be safe in our body…but it does mean that you push yourself when your mind is telling you it would be ok to stop or not give it your all!

Wondering what hard things we did in class that day? We simply did Pilates. We practiced the entire Pilates mat sequences of exercises from start to end. We practiced transitioning on each exercise, we practiced not giving ourselves rest in between exercises even when we really wanted to rest, and I reminded everyone (a lot) about giving it their all throughout every repetition and every transition.

If you had been in the room you would have seen and felt a kind of amazing energy in the room as people pushed themselves and practiced hard things. It was my hope that their workout was more than just a physical workout. My hope was the next time that they had to do something hard in life, they would remember how strong they were. They would remember they always have a little more to give. They would remember they could do hard things.

This past week we had that class again, yet we weren’t together in a room. It was a virtual class and we were all at home simply connected by an internet connection. Based on what had been going on in the world, it felt like a good time to be reminded of the value of taking care of your body, the value of doing the things that are important for your health even if you don’t really want to, the value of reminding yourself you can do hard things.

For those in class that day that had already taken the “we can do hard things” class with me..I knew I wouldn’t need to say a lot for them to have an appreciation of their movement practice in their life. I knew I wouldn’t need to overly remind them of the value of pushing themselves in their movement practice. I knew that every single person in class had gone through hard things since I had seen them last. It had been a hard week for everybody and there was probably not a person who had not been affected by COVID-19.

So once again.. I reminded everyone of how important I think a physical movement practice is in empowering us in our life. I reminded them that I couldn’t see if they took a rest during class or decided to do a few less repetitions.. but I hoped that they would remind themselves…that they are stronger than they think and they can do hard things. I can’t say for sure…but I’m pretty sure my class pushed themselves that day, maybe even more than if they were at the studio, even more than if I could see their every move.

If you are taking virtual classes…I know it’s not quite the same as being in the room with an instructor. I know it’s easy to take extra breaks and not push yourself as hard. Maybe when you take class next you’ll remember this blog and remind yourself…there is so much value for you and your life when you do the hard things. Not only will your physical body be stronger but you’ll be more prepared to tackle any of the hard things that come at you in life just a little bit better!

Inspiration of the Month

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start? I started Pilates in spring of 2019, not long after finishing treatment for breast cancer.  I was still feeling a bit rundown and I needed to restore range of motion in my left arm and shoulder.  I also know that, now in my mid 50’s, I need to do something to stay in shape so that I can continue to enjoy the physical activities I once did without thinking about it.  One of my sisters has been after me for years to try Pilates, but I’ve never liked going to exercise classes.  Rivercity Pilates kept coming up on my Facebook page so I studied the website, signed up for private sessions with Carey, and eventually decided that group classes weren’t nearly as scary as I thought…in fact, they’re fun!

2. How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing?    I started with a once per week private session, then added a group equipment class to that routine after a couple of months.  I transitioned to one group mat and one group equipment class per week for a couple of months, then added a third class (mat, equipment, yoga…depending on what I can fit in my schedule).  That third weekly class made a HUGE difference in my strength, and my ability to fine tune my movements.  I work 8-5 M-F so it’s great to be able to mix it up with early morning, evening, and weekend classes.  With the recent move to virtual classes I’m hoping to fit in four per week.

3. What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates? Before beginning Pilates I had trouble with my rotator cuffs–they were easily injured from normal life activity.  A year after beginning Pilates, that issue is gone.   Similarly, the chronic lower back pain I’d had for decades is gone. Most importantly, Pilates has me in the overall better shape that allows me to engage in the physical activities I enjoy–walking, gardening, skiing, biking, and more are all easier and more enjoyable because I’m stronger and more nimble.  

4. Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?  I like (and miss) the reformer!   

5. What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?Give it a try!  You will feel better and you will discover a fun and supportive community.

6.  A special shout out to virtual classes! I like to stay active, but find I won’t maintain a regular fitness routine on my own (sad, but true!). Thankfully Rivercity Pilates, and the instructors, chose to offer some virtual classes while so many of us are staying at home.  At a time when every routine in our lives is upended, the opportunity to continue Pilates classes with familiar instructors and classmates is comforting and provides a bit of normalcy in an otherwise wacky time.  If you haven’t tried it yet–give it a go!