From Benjamin Degenhardt:
Every day in March, participants across the global Pilates community share content related to Joseph Pilates’ traditional Mat exercises.
Using the connective power of the hashtag, all the magic will happen in the social media networks of those that participate in this unique campaign and want to share their love for Pilates. Each day is dedicated to one exercise from “Return to Life through Contrology”, the original book by Joseph Pilates.
Check out more details on Benjamin’s website!!
From Carey:
As a Pilates geek I absolutely LOVE the idea of March Matness! A whole month to celebrate the amazing Pilates mat work and really the method that has influenced my life and the lives of others so profoundly!! I love to see the content that other Pilates enthusiasts post and of course love to participate.
One of the things I absolutely love about the Pilates work is how adaptable it is for any body no matter what size or shape you are, no matter where you are in your movement practice. As an instructor I often find the pictures and representation of what Pilates is in social media are often…intimidating, unrealistic for many bodies and doesn’t do justice to encouraging people to try this amazing work!
So I’ve decided that my postings and participation this year in March Matness will be geared toward highlighting how the Pilates Mat exercises that Joe created can be adapted to any body. I of course love the beautifulness of highlighting the Pilates Mat exercises in their ultimate form and will definitely be showing people where they are going with an exercise. But my goal will be to show you the benefits of each exercise in your body, in your life, and in your Pilates journey (even if you’ve never done Pilates!!). Video instruction of course is never as good as in person work with an instructor but I’m hoping that you’ll be able to see how your body might be able to incorporate the Pilates work into your body and get excited about the possibilities! I’m hoping you’ll join along and share your journey and include pictures and video of where you are at in your Pilates practice.
[tweetthis]Celebrating #MarchMatness2106 with #anybodyPilates ! #pilateslove #pilatesforeveryone #returntolife[/tweetthis]
I’ll be doing daily videos and pictures talking about each exercise Joe created and be giving you some tips and ideas on how you can adapt the exercise to where you are right now in your body. Join the fun and use the hashtag #MarchMatness2016 and #anybodypilates and we’ll share and highlight you on our website and social media sites as well!!
See you on the Mat!!