March Matness 2016: The Hundred for any body


The Hundred exercise is the first exercise in the sequence of Pilates Mat work and is really designed to warm you up and get you prepared for the rest of your Pilates workout.  Here’s a few of the important components of the Hundreds exercise:

  1.  Breath and timing of breath:  During the Hundred you are inhaling for 5 counts and exhaling for 5 counts and eventually trying to do 100 counts of coordinated breath.  There are so many benefits to this!  First it really forces you to concentrate on taking a full inhale and exhale and helps you learn how to breathe correctly. In his book, Return to Life, Joseph Pilates states,”Breathing is the first act of life, and our last. Our very life depends on it.  Therefore, above all, learn how to breathe correctly.”   The concentration aspect of this breath pattern prepares your body to work, centers your mind and gets you prepared for what’s to come.
  2. Breathing and coordinating movement:  Not only are you breathing in a specific pattern, but you are also coordinating pumping of your arms with this specific breath pattern.  This specific movement pattern again centers your brain and body and helps to warm up the body with movement.
  3. Core Engagement:  Like all Pilates exercises, the Hundred is designed to have you engaging your core muscles to provide a support system for your body.  The idea is that you are stabilizing your torso and legs from your center while breathing and pumping your arms in a specific pattern.  It’s important to find a body position that challenges your core stability but is safe for your body to ensure you get the most out of your Hundred exercise.

[tweetthis]”Above all learn how to breathe correctly.” ~Joseph H. Pilates #MarchMatness2016 #Hundred[/tweetthis]



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