How about a mini-workout for Abs and Thighs?

Introducing the core, inner thigh, and back of the arms Pilates Magic Circle Mini-Workout!

If you’re looking for a quick core-strengthening, arm-toning, inner-thigh workout . . . this is it! This magic circle mini-workout is a great workout to do at home in between your classes or as an addition to your at home workout. Try it twice a week and be sure to let us know what you think!

Need a Pilates Magic Circle? Stop by the studio and pick one up at our Inspiration Boutique!

The Inspiration Boutique is our studio retail store. We have a line of fashionable, functional workout clothes (including our own Rivercity Pilates workout wear, Lucy and Glyder) and an assortment of small at home workout equipment including the Magic Circle, foam rollers, and various balls and props.

Two simple exercises to help with Upper Back Tension and Shoulder Pain!

These simple moves done on a foam roller can help you to open tight shoulders and provide a much needed destressing of the shoulders and upper back.


By coordinating these movements with your Pilates breath and core engagement you can sneak in a quick total body movement break anytime!

Need a foam roller?  Stop by the studio to purchase one and get your free guide to using the foam roller!

Pilates Travel Tips and our best travel workouts!

hotel PilatesWhether you travel on a regular basis or are just taking a summer vacation, you can take your Pilates with you easily!  There are so many exercises you can do just about anywhere with just your body or a small prop that you can keep up your core strengthening, body lengthening, strengthening and balancing Pilates workouts just about anywhere.  Here’s some simple tips to remember when traveling and some links to our favorite exercises for the road!

1. Pack a few small,lightweight props like a Theraband, a small 4 inch ball, or a magic circle so you have plenty of exercise options!

2. Remind yourself that doing something is always better than nothing!  You are probably not going to do a full hour Pilates session in your hotel room and that’s OK!  Just doing a small sequence of exercises or even some of your favorite stretches will keep your body feeling happy and healthy!

stretch3. Get creative!! Workouts don’t just have to happen on a mat in your room or at the fitness center. Go for a walk and enjoy some new scenery and add some off your favorite exercises in along the way!  Use a park bench to do some tricep dips or take a towel and lay in the grass and do some of your favorite Pilates exercises!   Try some Pilates in the pool!

4. Mix in mindful movement throughout your day.  Vacations and trips are often disruptive of our regular schedule and that’s to be expected.  Try to add little bits of movement in throughout your day and pay attention to how your body feels.  Stretch when you need to stretch, walk when you’ve been sitting too long and pay attention to your posture!

Here’s a quick list of some of my favorite travel mini workouts and exercises:

My Favorite Things Pilates Mat Workout (no props)

Resistance Band Pilates Mat Workout

Intermediate Pilates Mat Workout

Wedding Arm Magic Circle Workout

All Levels Mat Workout

Magic Circle Workout for Home

Side Leg Kick Workout

If you have a favorite travel workout, let us know!    We’d love to add it to our list.


Pilates Around the Clock Exercise – the Commando Exercise!

Taken from an exercise instruction sheet that Joseph H. Pilates used to sell for $1.00 in 1943, here’s your instructions for Around the Clock from Joe himself:

Are you game to try a Commando Exercise? It looks simple – but it’s rather straining until you have had lots of practice doing it. This exercise develops muscles and tissues that the usual physical drills and even swimming and hiking do not call into play. This “Around the Clock” stunt is especially effective in correcting bad posture, double chin, flabby & weak abdominal muscles, fat thighs, bulging hips, constipation, poor blood circulation and other similar physical imperfections. Below is the explanation how – in one minute morning and evening – you can go “Round the Clock”. It will do you no good whatever just to read about this simple exercise. It must be performed twice daily, day after day, without let up. Be a Commando and command yourself to do this one thing each day. You’ll be surprised at the result!

Directions: Lie on your back with arms pressed tightly against your thighs, as shown on diagram at 12 o’clock. Bend head forward until chin touches chest – with straight legs lift feet about three inches off floor and inhale deeply. Next, exhale fully and double up your legs against chest, thus helping to expel your breath. Now raise the lower part of the spine slightly off floor and with a pivot-like motion, twist the body around to the right to position shown at one o’clock on diagram. Again raise spine slightly and give another twist into position shown at 2 o’clock and stretch out flat as at the beginning. When you have moved from 12 to 2 o’clock, you have completed a cycle of these combination exercises. You then repeat this process, going to 3 & 4, then 5 & 6, until you again reach 12 o’clock. When you are proficient in going round the clock as a clock hand does, you can reverse the process and do it in reverse order.



Pilates for Back Pain

As a Pilates instructor I see a lot of clients who come to Pilates as an exercise method because of back pain.  In today’s video I teach some of my favorite at home exercises that I often give clients with chronic back pain.  These exercise are designed to develop core strength, develop uniform develop, and stretch out some areas that are commonly tight for those with back tightness and pain.

Use your fitness band to fine tune your Pilates Mat practice!!

Today’s Pilates Mat workout utilizes a fitness band as a tool in your Pilates mat workout.  This simple portable fitness prop can be easily integrated into your Pilates Mat work to help you work deeper and more efficiently!