Are you ready to add some more movement into your life? Do you need a little help getting motivated to stay committed to your movement and fitness program?  Join Rivercity Pilates in 2018 for Joe’s Challenge.  One our favorite quotes about the Pilates method from Pilates inventor Joseph Pilates himself goes like this:

“In 10 sessions you’ll feel a difference, in 20 sessions you’ll see a difference and in 30 sessions you’ll have a whole new body.”

What we love most about this statement is that it emphasizes the importance of sticking with it!  So often we see people kick off the new year with some great intentions to workout 3,4,5 times a week and it never fails that by week 3 of the year most of those people have already given up.    At Rivercity Pilates we are pretty passionate about helping people create a movement practice that becomes part of their life….not just a January workout!

Our 2018 challenge for you is to take Joe’s 30 session challenge. We’re challenging you to commit to 3 movement sessions per week for 10 weeks (and we’re giving you a few extra weeks to get those 30 sessions in because we know even when you are committed to being consistent…life happens.

Ready for the extra motivation??…. Get all 30 classes or sessions in before March 31 and you earn a our newly designed RCP Shirt.  Document by journaling or videoing yourself talking about how your are feeling when you reach 10, 20 and then 30 sessions and turn it into us at the end to be entered into our drawing to win 3 months of unlimited classes ($800 value!!)

Track your classes at the studio on your very own tracker sheet!

This short video reviews the Pilates fundamentals utilizing a 5 count breath pattern designed to help you focus and fine tune!  It’s great for beginners and just as great for non beginners who want to fine tune their basics!



Whoever you are, it’s possible that you could live your whole life in a dream; what the practice of mindful meditation will give you is your actual life.  Instead of being driven by forces in the past or anxiety about the future, you can face your life with clarity, relaxation and calm.  But, interestingly you are much more likely to get those things out of your meditation practice  if you don’t try, if you just allow things to be as they are, then take them as they come, whether you like it or not.      -Jon Kabat-Zinn

“Mindful yoga is a yoga of wholeness that has nothing to do with what your body can or can’t do in any given moment, or how your posture looks.  It has everything to do with the sincerity of your effort, with how awake you are in your life and how embodied you are in the only moment in which you are alive — which is always now.”  – -Jon Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness is often likened to a mirror; it simply reflects what is there.  It is not a process of thinking; it is pre-conceptual, before thought.  One can be mindful of thought.  There is all the difference in the world between thinking and knowing that thought is happening, as thoughts chase each other through the mind and the process is mirrored back to us. 

The only time that mindfulness can happen is in the present moment; if you are thinking of the past, that is memory.  It is possible to be mindful of memory, of course, but such mindfulness can only happen in the present.

Mindfulness is unbiased.  It is not for or against anything, just like a mirror, which does not judge what it reflects. Mindfulness has no goal other than the seeing itself.  It doesn’t try to add to what’s happening or subtract from it, to improve it in any way. It isn’t detached, like a person standing on a hill far away from an experience, observing it with binoculars. It is a form of participation – you are fully living out your life, but you are awake in the midst of it – and it is not limited to the meditation hall.  It can be used on a simple process like the breathing, or on highly charged and unpleasant emotions like fear or loneliness.  It can also follow us into the ordinary life situations that make up our day.  Eventually, it becomes more a way of living than a technique.   From Breath by Breath: The Liberating Practice of Insight Meditation by Larry Rosenberg. 1998. Shambhala Publications.

“The heart of skillful meditation is the ability to let go and begin again, over and over again.  Even if you have to do that thousands of times during a session, it does not matter.   There is no distance to traverse in recollecting our attention; as soon as we realize we have been lost in discursive thought, or have lost touch with our chosen contemplation, right in that very moment we can begin again.  Nothing has been ruined, and there is no such thing as failing.  There is nowhere the attention can wander to, and no duration of distraction, from which we cannot completely let go, in a moment, and begin again.”         Sharon Salzberg, Lovingkindness:  The Revolutionary Art of Happiness



How can we know all of who we are 

unless we take the time to be silently 

with ourselves, and to listen to 

the many voices of our heart?    

  1. Feldman


Mindfulness “invites us to be willing, over and over again in the face of even our own overwhelm, reluctance, and despair, to turn toward what we most want to turn away from. It invites us to accept what seems beyond accepting and to experiment with embracing the actuality of it with a sense of enormous kindness toward ourselves. This is a practice—one that can only unfold over time.” -Jon Kabat-Zinn, in “When Life Feels Hard.” Sounds True. iBooks


“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.”  – Victor Frankl,  Author, Psychiatrist, Holocaust Survivor


The crucial factor influencing how well we can respond in any given situation seems to be the level of mindfulness we can bring to bear upon the moment. If we don’t care to be present, unconscious decision-making systems will function to get us through to the next moment, albeit in the grips of (often flawed) learned behaviors and conditioned responses. If, on the other hand, we can increase the amount of conscious awareness present by manifesting mindfulness, we expand the range of our possible responses. Even if disposed to anger, we can choose to act with kindness. This is the essence of our freedom in an otherwise heavily conditioned system.     Andrew Olendzki

Patience is a hard discipline.  It is not just waiting until something happens over which we have no control:  the arrival of the bus, the end of the rain, the return of a friend, the resolution of a conflict.  Patience is not waiting passively until someone else does something.  Patience asks us to live the moment to the fullest, to be completely present to the moment, to taste the here and now, to be where we are.  We behave as if the real thing will happen tomorrow, later, and somewhere else.  Let’s be patient and trust that the treasure we look for is hidden in the ground on which we stand.  Henri J.M. Nouwen

“Dwelling in stillness and looking inward for some part of each day, we touch what is most real and reliable in ourselves and most easily overlooked and undeveloped. When we can be centered in ourselves, even for brief periods of time in the face of the pull of the outer world, not having to look elsewhere for something to fill us up or make us happy, we can be at home wherever we find ourselves, at peace with things as they are, moment by moment.”  Jon Kabat-Zinn, Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation In Everyday Life 


I started a new Beginner Pilates Mat series this week, and at the beginning of class I found myself saying something to this group of new Pilates students that I felt like more people should hear.  I told them that they probably wouldn’t be sore after their first class and that’s OK and it’s actually a good thing. I told them they may feel some muscles they haven’t used in awhile and have what I like to call “muscle awareness” but really the last thing I wanted was for me to check in with them in a few days and find out they were so sore it almost hurt move!  I could just feel a sense of relief spread through the room when I said this.  My guess is that many of my participants who had finally gotten the courage to try Pilates, were already dreading how sore they might be after their first class.

I think in today’s society we have this perception that if you are not miserably sore after you exercise- it isn’t effective.  I asked them to get rid of this belief when they started their Pilates journey.  I asked them to start looking at movement and exercise from a different perspective.  Don’t get me wrong…I’m not saying you should never have sore muscles from your Pilates practice- you will.  What I’m saying is that it is actually better and more effective for your body to gradually progress through exercises feeling mild soreness from the strengthening process, versus trying to do too much too soon and overloading your muscles to the place where you are likely to injure yourself.  I’m also saying that it’s OK if you are not sore from a Pilates/movement session!

The belief that you have to be sore from movement for it to be effective is really a little ridiculous if you think about it.  For instance, I walk on a daily basis to make sure I get my plenty of cardiovascular movement time in and to strengthen my body as a whole.  I would never think to myself, ” Wow, I’m never sore from walking so it must not be doing me any good!”  We all know that regular cardiovascular exercise like walking is great for your cardiovascular health, your muscles and even your bone strength!

Is the dread of post exercise soreness keeping you from trying Pilates?  I encourage you to rethink some of those old movement beliefs and come in and try out a complimentary introductory private session with one of our instructors.  Let us help you change your mind about how exercise should feel!



We are an official drop off for the Toys for Tots Campaign! We have a big box in our studio for you to drop off


Need some ideas for gifts? There are lists of suggested toys by age by the toy box at Rivercity Pilates! Bring your toys in by December 10!

Do your Black Friday Shopping early, then come in and relax with free classes, snacks and special in studio deals starting at 9 am!!  Friends and family are welcome!

  • 9:00 am Zumba with Amy Boelk
  • 10:00 am Everybody Pilates Mat with Shelley Oglesby
  • 11:30 am Reformer Flow with Carey Sadler
  • 1:00 pm Restorative Pilates Mat with Carey Sadler


Sign up for FREE Classes!  Space is limited so sign up early to reserve your spot!

Click Here to sign up for a free class!

Healthy Snacks will be provided  by Amy Boelk and Tree of Life Health Coaching

Saturday and Sunday our client gratitude continues – bring any family or friend to class with you for free!