Most classes at Rivercity Pilates are designed to be all level classes.  Since we do not have really big class sizes, our instructors are able to teach classes that are a great workout for everyone while keeping everyone safe and not injuring themselves.  If classes are all levels you may wonder how do I keep progressing, making progress toward my goals of increasing strength, balance, and flexibility.IMG_2873

There are lots of little ways to increase the difficulty of any given exercise and challenge different bodies at the same time.


Here’s a few concepts we use as teachers( and you can focus on individually) to keep you progressing in your Pilates practice, even in a class or group setting:

1. Combining  strength,balance, and flexibility into every exercise and focusing on the components you need to create balance in your body and in each exercise.  Ever body is different and creating a balance of flexibility and strength in your body will be very unique to you in each exercise.  If you are extremely tight, flexibility may be your individual focus on a particular exercise.  If flexibility is not an issue for you, you may be working on how to maintain stability or increasing overall strength.  Pinpointing particular areas you need to work on can help you fine tune each exercise and get the most out of every movement.  If you are unsure, ask your instructor to give you some feedback on areas that would be good for you to focus on.

2. Working level can be described as how big of a range of motion you can do on each exercise and still execute the exercise as perfectly as possible using the appropriate muscle groups.  Working level is your challenge point of an exercise.  As you get stronger and create more balance in your body this working level will increase and you will be able to do larger movements that continue to challenge your body.

3. Flow– By flowing one exercise into the next one we can increase the difficulty of individual exercises.  Flow also requires the coordination of your breath into these movements.  As your strength,flexibility and balance increase, you will find it easier to transition from one exercise to the next.  By taking less “breaks” in between exercises you will continue to progress in your improving your strength, flexibility and balance.

4. Coordinating Breath with each movement.  The thought process of coordinating the choreography of the exercise with a specific breath pattern can really take the exercise to the next level.  The mere act of concentrating completely on what you are trying to move, how your body is aligned and how you are breathing can increase the “work” of the exercise tenfold!

The wonderful thing about these four tips, is that they work for any type of movement or exercise- not just Pilates!  So try them out in your next workout and let us know if they helped you challenge yourself safely and effectively!






We hear it all the time…..I feel so much better after class.  I almost didn’t come to class, but now IMG_2605I’m so glad I did.

We  know that many times the hardest part is just getting here.  Sure class can be a challenge, but the focused movement and breathing are sure to leave you energized, de-stressed and feeling empowered if you could just get to class.


Here’s our top 3 ways to make sure you get to class:

1.  Put it in your schedule!  Whether you use your iphone or an old fashioned calendar, if its not written down or typed into your schedule it’s too easy to skip.  Make a commitment to schedule your classes or sessions ahead of time and put them into your calendar.

2.  Have your clothes ready to go.  Make sure you have your clothes ready to go so you have no excuses if you’re running a little behind.  Some people even leave an extra set of clothes in their car so they don’t have to worry about it.

3.  Find a friend to commit to a class with you.  Just knowing that your friend will be expecting you for class will keep you motivated to keep your commitment.  It’s also a nice little treat to have some quality time before, after and even during class with a good friend.





time-quoteI don’t know about you, but about this time every year I find myself asking, “Where did summer go?”  Summer is one of my favorite times of the year and it always seems to go by so quickly!

I also find myself sitting down to schedule my life for the rest of the year.  I try to sit down and put EVERYTHING in my calendar.  This includes kids activities, school events, my work schedule, my husband’s schedule, family outings, and MOST IMPORTANT my ME time!

I consider ME time anything that refreshes my soul, nourishes my body and quite frankly keeps me sane!  This includes my weekly Pilates and Yoga sessions, meditating, running, walking, journaling, and other little things like time to read a book, time to catch up with friends, and just time alone.

Learning to schedule ahead has not always been my strong point and there was a time when I would really resist schedules.  I’m a little bit of a free spirit, and I enjoy being able to be spontaneous, go with the flow and not have the pressure of a schedule.  I have learned over the years to rethink how I see a schedule.

I have learned that if I want to get something done the best way to do that is to put it in my schedule.  There are always days of course, when life happens and things are not on schedule or just plain don’t get done.  But for the most part, having a specific time scheduled to do something has allowed me to be more efficient, less stressed and just plain happier.ical picture

Scheduling ME time was not something I was comfortable with at first either.  As a mom, wife, and business owner I have lots of commitments that in my mind need to come first before me.  I used to schedule everything else and then tell myself that after everything else was done then I would sneak some time for myself.

The problem was that by the time everything else got done I either ran out of time or was just too plain exhausted and didn’t have the energy to do anything for myself.  And since I wasn’t doing anything to nourish and refresh myself,  I continued to not have the energy to find that space in my life.  It was a vicious cycle that I had to change!

My own experience with scheduling was the catalyst for our Schedule Ahead Rewards Program.  I knew if scheduling ahead could help me be more committed to my health and well being, it could help others too.

The program itself is pretty simple:

We remind you every month to schedule ahead your sessions and classes.

At the beginning of every month we check to see if you have scheduled ahead. If  you have scheduled ahead at least 4 sessions or classes you earn $5 of Pilates Bucks( ie an account credit you can use towards anything we sell including  classes, sessions, a cute pair of Toesox or a fun Lucy headband!).  Not only are you creating a commitment to your workouts and your health, you are getting paid for it!

AND you also get one free late cancel per month.   So there are no worries about getting charged for a class when something unexpected comes up and you don’t have time to cancel within our 24 hour cancellation period.

So what are you waiting for? Click here to get the details of the program and learn how to sign up!



Kelly Allen

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?

 My initial reason to try Pilates in March 2013 was for stress relief, not fitness. I usually run, walk, bike, and lift weights. I wanted to do something I had never experienced that would keep me focused for an hour and would make it impossible for my mind to wander.


What benefits have you seen by committing to a regular Pilates practice? 

 The ability to stretch my body in ways that make it feel so much better and to have better balance. I think looking and feeling more toned and fit are the obvious benefits of most exercise, but I have never experienced the ability to stretch and have better balance with anything else.

Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?

 For me there are no favorites. I think one of the best things about Pilates is the variety.

What would you say to someone thinking about starting Pilates?

 It is one of the best investments I have ever made. I never thought I would see the changes I have seen in my body.