Pilates and Pregnancy at 19 weeks- Enjoying new changes and getting excited!

week 19 Welcome back to our Pilates and Pregnancy blog. According to the app on my phone, this week the baby is the length of a mango (about 6.5 inches) and weighs up to 10 oz. We have an ultrasound scheduled for next week and so I’ll be able to report actual measurements and the baby’s gender in our Week 20 blog.

This week Carey taught me on the Tower. We started with an exercise that is similar to cat/cow in yoga, but I was sitting back on my knees holding on to the roll down bar, moving from a rounded spine into extension and back. I am so thankful for the one-on-one sessions during this pregnancy. Carey is able to modify things to accommodate my growing belly and all the other delightful/strange changes that pregnancy brings.

We did a lot of upper body work and I noticed the next day that my arms were sore. When the baby comes, I’ll need lots of upper body strength to carry baby, a diaper bag, car seat, and who knows what else, and so it is wonderful to keep that strength up now.

Carey also focused on my precision. Whether you are pregnant or not, one of the many benefits of Pilates is that the work intensifies the more you focus on your movements. We made a tiny change to my arm position – hugging my elbows in and activating through my arms – during the leg spring series, and by the end of the series it was my arms that needed a break more than my legs!

The picture this week is of me doing chest expansion on the tower. Next week marks the halfway point of the pregnancy and – if baby cooperates – I’ll announce the gender.  You won’t want to miss it!

Pilates Inspiration of the Month Theresa McKane

theresaWhen did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?

I started Pilates about two years ago, but it was not until 3 months ago when I joined Rivercity Pilates that I started to take reformer and tower classes. After researching the benefits of Pilates, I decided that it was finally time to take charge of my chronic pain since I had been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 18 years prior.

What benefits have you seen by committing to a regular Pilates practice? 

My pain levels have dramatically decreased and my core is so much stronger.   Coupled with my Pilates practice, I try to eat a clean diet and I am happy to say that I don’t even take any medications for my pain anymore.

You were the winner of our 21 Day Empower Your Body Challenge! Describe the experience and any benefits you felt from increasing your regular Pilates practice.


The 21 Day Empower Your Body Challenge was an amazing experience! I worked out 20 days in a row doing a variety of classes and I can honestly say that it was the best I have ever felt. Taking that time for myself and doing my Pilates breathing every day did wonders for my stress level. I had so much more energy! Not only that, the most noticeable benefit was how much my posture improved.

Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?

That is a tough one . . . . I love so many different things. The reformer is my favorite piece of equipment. If I had to choose an exercise though, it would be a Pilates roll-up. It’s the best of both worlds, it stretches my spine while strengthening my core.  Not only that, it always reminds me how far I have come in my practice. There was a time, not that long ago, when I could not even do one.

What would you say to someone thinking about starting Pilates?

It will change your life!  In my experience it has given me a quality of life that I didn’t think I could have.  You can never stop learning and improving your practice, and I believe that this is something we can all grow old doing.

Top 5 things to NOT expect at your Pilates session!

Thinking of trying out Pilates or maybe just getting back into the studio after not practicing Pilates for awhile?  Here’s our list of the top 5 things NOT to expect during your Pilates session!IMG_3026


1.  Don’t expect to feel bad about not exercising or not being in as good of shape as you think you should be.  It happens to everyone and we will help you realize that getting back into shape is easier than you think.

2. Don’t expect to be so sore that you can’t walk down the stairs or lift your arm to brush your hair.  We know that exercise does not need to leave you in pain to be effective.  You can expect to get a great workout that is perfect for your body! 

3.  Don’t expect to do the same exact thing every session.  Each class or session is designed to meet your needs on any given day and those needs are constantly changing. Expect us to tailor your exercises to your body and continually challenge you with new variations and movements.

4.  Don’t expect to be able to do everything perfect the first session or even your 100th session.  (I know….this one is hard for most of us and especially if you tend to be a perfectionist!!) Pilates is designed to safely challenge your body and your mind so that you can continue to evolve to the best you!

Try not to be so judgmental toward yourself and KNOW that the benefits of Pilates are more dependent on you doing it on a regular basis rather than how perfectly you do it!

5.  Don’t expect to dread coming in to the studio to exercise.  In fact- most of our clients look forward to coming in!  (this may be hard to believe if you have always been a person who just doesn’t like to exercise- you’ll have to trust us on this one!)

Ready to try out a complimentary private Pilates session at Rivercity Pilates?   Contact us today to set up your complimentary private session!

Rivercity Pilates announces the winner of the Pink Ribbon Starter Package Giveaway!!

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Rivercity Pilates sponsored a giveaway to honor one inspiring Breast Cancer survivor with the chance to experience our Pink Ribbon Program!  PRLogo_color

 This year’s winner is breast cancer survivor Pam Pump!   Pam sent us a heartfelt email sharing her breast cancer story and talking about her road to wellness.  Like many breast cancer survivors she is doing her best to be as positive as possible and do everything she can to stay healthy.

Pam stated in her letter, “After all my treatments and surgeries were done, I wanted to THRIVE not just SURVIVE.”

She’s tried working with a personal trainer and other workout classes, but has found that she is not seeing results such when it comes to regaining her strength and flexibility.

Pam is not alone in her struggle as a breast cancer survivor to find a fitness program.

Most fitness programs do not address specific issues that these cancer survivors face.  Often times trainers and instructors just don’t have experience working with the specific medical limitations that these women face and so they have them trying to do things that their bodies are not quite ready for.  Instead of strengthening and balancing their bodies, they end up either hurting themselves or feeling defeated because their bodies can’t do what is being asked of them.

The Pink Ribbon Program is designed to help these survivors improve strength, flexibility and balance in their body in a way that leaves them feeling empowered, inspired and ready to take on life!

Our Pink Ribbon Starter Package is a month-long program. It includes two private sessions weekly (eight sessions total), with Pink Ribbon Certified Instructor Carey Sadler.  This package is designed for cancer survivors who are looking to explore the Pilates method of exercise as a way of strengthening their body, mind, and spirit.

Some of the wonderful benefits of Pilates for cancer survivors:

  • Helps regain strength and mobility in all your joints and muscles

  • Enhances energy levels

  • Improves self confidence and control

  • Reduces feelings of depression

  • Decreases stress and tension

  • Enhances physical and mental well-being


Want to learn more about our Pink Ribbon Program at Rivercity Pilates?  Click here or contact us today to set up a complimentary session to see if the program would be right for you!




Inspiration of the Month Audrey O’Hara

audrey october iom
When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?
Heather (Thorpe) was talking to me about the Pilates studio and said she needed a person to come in for her training and then my hair designer, Ari Bult, was talking about it a day later and so I decided to try it out and started working out with Heather. I was very very sore after my sessions with Heather in the first weeks and realized that I needed help to get my health back in order. The more I went, the better I felt, and the more I craved it. People noticed a change in me in regards to my posture, strength, and my new found love for Pilates movements in general. I have not stopped recommending it to everyone since! I believe Pilates will be a way of life for me now. LOVE IT!!!
What benefits have you seen by committing to a regular Pilates practice? 
I have a lot more stamina and flexibility and love seeing my progress. I do not want to grow older without making some kind of effort to take care of myself and my own well being.
Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?
Jackknife has become one of my favorites because I can feel myself getting my spine in realignment without the help of anyone else. My balance has also improved tremendously. It is now a lifestyle change for me that I plan on doing for a lifetime. It has really enhanced the quality of my life and now I cannot live without Pilates!
(Audrey’s demonstrating jackknife in the photo above.)
What would you say to someone thinking about starting Pilates?
I would recommend to anyone who is interested in Pilates to try private sessions first to get the movements down before trying classes. I think the one-on-one is very beneficial before trying classes. You won’t regret it!

How can I keep improving my Pilates practice so I continue to see results?

Most classes at Rivercity Pilates are designed to be all level classes.  Since we do not have really big class sizes, our instructors are able to teach classes that are a great workout for everyone while keeping everyone safe and not injuring themselves.  If classes are all levels you may wonder how do I keep progressing, making progress toward my goals of increasing strength, balance, and flexibility.IMG_2873

There are lots of little ways to increase the difficulty of any given exercise and challenge different bodies at the same time.


Here’s a few concepts we use as teachers( and you can focus on individually) to keep you progressing in your Pilates practice, even in a class or group setting:

1. Combining  strength,balance, and flexibility into every exercise and focusing on the components you need to create balance in your body and in each exercise.  Ever body is different and creating a balance of flexibility and strength in your body will be very unique to you in each exercise.  If you are extremely tight, flexibility may be your individual focus on a particular exercise.  If flexibility is not an issue for you, you may be working on how to maintain stability or increasing overall strength.  Pinpointing particular areas you need to work on can help you fine tune each exercise and get the most out of every movement.  If you are unsure, ask your instructor to give you some feedback on areas that would be good for you to focus on.

2. Working level can be described as how big of a range of motion you can do on each exercise and still execute the exercise as perfectly as possible using the appropriate muscle groups.  Working level is your challenge point of an exercise.  As you get stronger and create more balance in your body this working level will increase and you will be able to do larger movements that continue to challenge your body.

3. Flow– By flowing one exercise into the next one we can increase the difficulty of individual exercises.  Flow also requires the coordination of your breath into these movements.  As your strength,flexibility and balance increase, you will find it easier to transition from one exercise to the next.  By taking less “breaks” in between exercises you will continue to progress in your improving your strength, flexibility and balance.

4. Coordinating Breath with each movement.  The thought process of coordinating the choreography of the exercise with a specific breath pattern can really take the exercise to the next level.  The mere act of concentrating completely on what you are trying to move, how your body is aligned and how you are breathing can increase the “work” of the exercise tenfold!

The wonderful thing about these four tips, is that they work for any type of movement or exercise- not just Pilates!  So try them out in your next workout and let us know if they helped you challenge yourself safely and effectively!