late1Ever have one of those days when you everything seems to go wrong and you can’t seem to get to your class or private session on time? Maybe you are one of those people who absolutely hates to be late (I know I am!) and so when that happens your first instinct is to just not go (even though you know you will be charged because of the studio’s 24 hour cancellation policy!).

My best advice: Come anyway!!  We understand and we really don’t mind you coming in late!  Sure you may not get a full 50 minute class or private session in but that doesn’t matter!  You are still getting a workout in and it might be just what your body needs that day!  We’re ok with you sneaking into class after it started and would rather you did that than not come!!  If you are taking a private session then your instructor has that time reserved for you anyway so she would love for you to just come when you can!  We promise to take advantage of the time you are with us and help you get the most effective workout your body needs that day!!



img_6583This week I got a call from one of my instructors that something came up and she needed someone to sub her Barre & Pilates class in the evening and couldn’t find anyone else to do it. I said I could cover it for her.  Normally subbing a Pilates class is no big deal and I’m pretty comfortable just jumping in and teaching whatever class it is. I have to tell you barre work is a little different though.  If you know me at all you know that I am not a dancer, my hips are tight,my turnout is horrible and coordinating movement to music takes me hours of practice!  I like the barre work as it’s really good for me but it’s not necessarily my thing when it comes to teaching.

It turn out one of my favorite workouts this week ended up being prepping for Barre & Mat class.  I threw some music on and played, and once I got over my “I’m not good at teaching barre attitude” it was pretty fun. I practiced some barre work so I would be familiar enough to teach it and got a great workout in along the way.

My students in class that night were wonderful (they were great sports about trying my barre variations!) and we had fun playing with the barre work and of course doing some of our Pilates Mat work.  It was a great reminder to me of how good it can be to get outside of your comfort zone and do something you don’t normally do.  I may have to Meet You at the Barre more often!



Like any fitness method or routine Pilates enthusiasts love to tote the “eye appealing” benefits of a Pilates practice such as longer, leaner muscles and abs of steel to try to entice others to try out the practice.  Commonly heard are things like,”You’ll change your shape, or your clothes will fit better no matter what the scale says”. But what does a Pilates figure look like in real life?

To me a Pilates figure looks happy, healthy, strong, full of life, full of energy and moves with ease.  I can tell you from a Pilates teacher standpoint that a Pilates body has nothing to do with your age, your weight or your God given natural body size or shape.

Pilates figures are good movers.  They have figured out how to use the amazing bodies that they have in an efficient, controlled way and it shows in all of their movements.  You don’t need to be able to do a crazy split or hang upside down to have a Pilates figure!  Someone with a Pilates figure has become proficient at listening to their body, adjusting movements to maintain balance, coordinating their breath with movement, engaging their core and they know how to move through their spine.

Every month at Rivercity Pilates we highlight a client and their Pilates story.  Every month I am inspired to hear about how someone has used the Pilates Method to improve their health and their life.  If you want to know what a Pilates figure is take some time to read through some of our Inspiration of the Month Blogs.  I think you’ll find a whole new appreciation of a Pilates Figure!!

There is a quote that says,” If you listen to your body when it whispers….you won’t have to hear it scream.” As a Pilates teacher this is a lesson that I often find myself trying to teach clients.  Often times I think people think I’m a little crazy at first when I suggest that maybe they try the “easier version” of an exercise so that they can do it properly and not injure themselves.  For some reason we have this belief that just because we have done something at a harder level we are failing if we don’t do that all the time.

First of all let me say, “There is no failing in Pilates! If you have showed up, are doing the work and are paying attention to your body as you are moving- you are succeeding!”.  Second, one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself in your Pilates practice is learning how to pay attention to your body and adjust your movements to what your body needs and can handle on any given day.  As a teacher I can tell you it is always one of my goals to teach clients how to listen to their own body as this is such an amazing health tool in your life!

So the next time your Pilates teacher suggests you try a different or maybe easier version of an exercise, don’t let yourself go down that negative road of saying to yourself, “I am not strong enough, I’ve gone backwards, I can’t believe I can’t do that…..


More than likely your instructor (who spends a lot of time helping people find the best movement for each body) is trying to give you a version that is best for your body that day and one that will help you continue to create balanced strength and flexibility in your body.  Be nice to yourself, listen to your body (and probably your instructor too!) and see what happens!


Whether you are a Yogi, a Pilates practitioner or just want to feel better in your body and release some tightness, aches and pains….this workshop is for you.  Shara will guide you through self-massage and myofascial release techniques that are sure to leave you with greater range of mobility, decreased muscle tightness and an overall sense of wellbeing.  This workshop will be October 8th  from 11a -12:30p and will cost $20.

therapyballsThe Roll Model® method is a model of self-care that is easy and accessible to people of all activity levels. Muscular and myofascial release is obtained by the specific application of “therapy balls” in targeted locations, think upper back and neck. The result is a reshaping of your body into one that has less pain, is suppler and has a greater range of movement. What are you waiting for!

All levels welcome, even those with no movement experience. Therapy balls will be provided for you to use.    Register by clicking this link!

If you are looking into Pilates teacher training I’m guessing there are a lot of things weighing in on your decision to jump into this endeavor. Even though there are plenty of opportunities to teach Pilates as a full time career, many people start teaching Pilates as a part time job or as a supplement to movement teaching that they are already doing. Pilates teacher training is not a cheap investment and so I thought I would break down how long it would take you to earn back what you invested in your training.

ROI on Pilates Mat Teacheer Training... (1)In it’s entirety our Mat Training Module is approximately a $2000 investment by the time you include all of your lessons, classes, and training fees. Pilates instructors in the Midwest generally earn anywhere from $15 to $50 per group class depending on where they are teaching and how many students they have. For today’s calculations I used $20 per class to calculate how long it might take you to earn back the original cost to do the training. At this rate you would need to teach 100 classes to earn back the original investment. If you taught 2 classes per week for an entire year (52 weeks) you would repay your investment.

This of course is assuming you are just teaching group classes and only getting paid $20 per class.  If you are making more per class (which is pretty common) you will repay your investment much sooner.  There are also plenty of opportunities to teach Pilates in a one on one or private setting in which case you may earn between a higher hourly rate.