If there is one thing I’ve learned over my 20 plus years as a Pilates teacher, it’s this: stretching and releasing tightness in your muscles is equally as important as strengthening your muscles when it comes to functioning your best and feeling your best!

In fact, what I have found in my own body over the years is that to stay as balanced as possible I need to incorporate a regular Pilates practice with a variety of exercises designed to both stretch and strengthen my muscles, but I also need to have specific time to release tight muscles if I want to keep my body feeling the best.   My favorite way to relax and release tight muscles is a self massage technique called rolling.

I have to tell you it took me a little while to convince my mind that rolling wasn’t just a luxury, it wasn’t just a “when I had free time kind of thing”…it was a needed health tool that was important for keeping my body happy and feeling great.  No rolling isn’t a workout, but yes it will make big changes in how your body feels and will even help you feel more motivated to do your strengthening and cardio workouts, because you will feel better in your body.

So what exactly are you doing for your body when you use a self massage technique like rolling? 

Here’s a quick list of the benefits of rolling (self massage):

  1. You are increasing circulation and blood flow to tight muscles and surrounding tissues in your body.  Without good circulation those muscles will stay stiff, tight and unhappy. Improved circulation can enhance the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscle cells. As cellular health improves, tissues function more efficiently. More efficient functioning leads to the removal of waste products and may increase the absorption of excess fluids and reduce swelling in soft tissues.
  2. You are applying pressure with rolling techniques relaxes muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Rolling techniques relax muscle tissue, which can reduce painful contractions and spasms. 
  3. Self massage techniques can also reduce nerve compression. To understand this, consider that when muscles are contracted, they sometimes compress the nerves around them. When these muscles are relaxed, the nerves are no longer compressed, and, in theory, can get proper nutrients and operate more efficiently. The nerves can assume their normal work of transmitting messages to and from the brain, which improves functioning of the muscles and organs.
  4. You are specifically working on your “troubled spots” as I like to call them! All of us have imbalances in our muscles because of our movement patterns in life.  A well rounded, whole body movement practice (like Pilates) can be amazing for keeping your body more balanced out, but it will never completely balance you out!  Adding in a self massage technique like rolling can help you target areas that are especially tight and tense in your body and will help you create even more balance in your body. More  balance in your body (and less tightness and troubled spots) means you will just plain feel better and function better!  

Want to see what rolling could do for you? Join my 75 minute workshop to learn rolling techniques for your neck, shoulders and back.  If you don’t already have massage therapy balls you can purchase them in our online store and pick them up at the studio or have them shipped to you. 

For this workshop, I’ll be using 3 different sizes of balls: the Alpha Ball, the Yoga Tune Up Balls, and the Massage therapy plus balls.

If you’d would like to attend the workshop, but you don’t want to invest in balls until you know if you like it — watch this video!

Register for the workshop here!


I hear it all the time. “Can you just give me a few exercises I can do to make my back feel better?”

If you are looking for a quick fix I’m here to tell you there isn’t one! If you want to make changes in how your body feels you need to learn to change how you are moving your body (or not moving it).  This doesn’t happen overnight and there definitely are not magic exercises that will cure your aches and pains.

One of the biggest reasons that Pilates as an exercise method is so effective for helping people get rid of back pain is that by practicing Pilates on a regular basis you start creating a habit of paying attention to how your body moves and you start learning how you could be moving better and more efficiently.  Better movement means less pain in your body.

The good news is that a regular Pilates practice does not need to be complicated or even take a ton of time, but to really get the benefits you need to stick with it on a regular basis.  

How often should you do Pilates to relieve your back pain?
  • 2-3 Pilates classes or sessions a week
  • 1 private a month to fine tune your at home practice which consists of 10-15 exercises you can do 2-3 times at home
  • 1 Pilates class a week plus incorporating the Pilates principles into other workouts

The possibilities are endless!  Ready to get started on changing how your body moves and feels?  Contact us today to schedule a complimentary first session to learn more!!


What do you think of when you think of traction?  The first thing that immediately pops in my head is someone lying in a hospital bed with their legs being held up in the air in traction.  Traction can be used in a variety of medical conditions usually to take pressure off a joint or area of the body so it can heal properly.  By gently pulling on the body using a force the muscles are lengthened and the joints effected are decompressed. Did you know that the Pilates method uses the idea of traction to help students align their body and decompress their joints?

Lengthening and decompressing the spine and body as a whole is one of the main goals of the Pilates work.  By learning how to engage your core muscles you can learn how to create a support system for your bones that actually decompresses your skeletal system and leaves your body feeling long, tall, and working most efficiently.  An easy example of this is to think of your seated posture. 

In the Pilates work we often focus on how you can use your muscles to get out of that slouchy, rounded forward posture (that many of us do day in and day out!)  Many exercises will teach you how to sit tall on your sitting bones, use your core muscles to align your rib cage over your pelvis and lengthen your neck muscles to bring your head in line over your shoulders.

There are times when the Pilates equipment acts as a force that can help you create more traction and decompression in your body.  One of my favorite exercises on the Cadillac is something called the half hang.  The half hang consists of carefully putting your feet into straps that hang from the Cadillac so that you hips are slightly suspended over the mat.  This is an amazing way to allow the muscles in your legs, hip and back relax while letting the joints of the legs, hips and spine decompress.

Another favorite “traction” exercise of mine is called Long Spine on the reformer.  You put your feet into straps that are attached to the carriage and springs and use the resistance to create a pull or traction that helps you find articulation through your spine while also decompressing the space in between each vertabrae.  The design of the equipment allows you to find a sense of support and traction while still working your body in a balanced uniform way. (it feels amazing!)

The idea of decompressing your body during your exercises is one of the reason Pilates leaves you feeling so amazing! Even though the exercises can seem like a lot of work, they are done in a way that leaves your body feeling better when it gets done working versus worse.

Want to learn more about Pilates as an exercise program and how you can lengthen and decompress your body?  Contact us today (email us at rcpilates1@gmail.com) to schedule a complimentary private session to try it out!!

Have you ever been just walking through your day as normal, to suddenly find yourself in what seems like a slow motion moment where your feet slide out from underneath of you and you find yourself strategizing in a split moment what might be the best way to fall?

This has happened to me and it just plain scared me! I landed with my heart racing, feeling a little like “what just happened?”, looking around to see if anyone saw me because I’m embarrassed and then I started checking myself to see what I hurt when I fell. Losing your balance is a pretty common thing and I think we can all relate to the unsettling feelings we have when it happens, not to mention the injuries we can get.

Many of my clients tell me one of the things they know they need to work on is balance. Many people (family, friends, & clients) have told me how much it just plain frustrates them that they can’t do what seems like a simple thing while holding their balance. You are not alone if you feel this way!

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that all the folks that tell me they need to work on balance are senior citizens. That’s just not true! In fact it is often my “younger ” clients who get the most frustrated, especially if they are practicing in a class with older participants who are clearly much better at balance than them! Most people believe that they should just be good at balance and they don’t realize balance is actually something you have to work on!

Improving your balance IS NOT HARD, will not take hours of daily practice and no matter your age or where you are starting you can make improvement! But it does take consistent action and commitment to practicing the things that will improve your balance and your confidence.

What are you doing to improve your balance? If you are like most people the answer is probably…nothing. That is exactly why I created two options for people trying to improve their balance. Both of these options are for anyone from 40-90+ trying to improve their balance. You do not need to have any Pilates experience before class!

Option 1 — Exercise for Better Balance. This is a 90 minute online workshop with a handout of exercises to practice to improve your balance. The entire workshop is done either sitting in a chair or standing beside the chair.

Click here for more information on this workshop.

Option 2 — We have a class on our schedule that meets once a week called “Better Balance”. In this 50 minute class Carey leads you in exercises designed to improve strength and balance. Half of the class is done seated, and half of the class is done standing beside the chair. If you’d like to try this class and see if it’s for you — send an email to Carey@RivercityPilates.com – and she’ll get you more information!

I was chatting with a client the other day ago about our Roll,Release and Relax class and he said, ” I like it, but it wasn’t much of a workout.” I went on to explain that Roll, Release and Relax was not meant to be a workout, it was meant to be a self care class. A class where you spend the entire time using self massage techniques to roll out your muscles and fascia so that it is healthier, more hydrated and helps your body function better.

He also said during our conversation well you know many people would not consider what we do in Pilates class a workout. And he’s right…not because it’s not a “workout” but because some people’s idea of a workout is very different than what we consider a workout.

I consider a workout: specific time dedicated to moving your body in ways that creates strength and mobility so you can maintain your health to do whatever you want to do in life.

Other people’s definition of a workout: Time moving your body that feels like intense work, time moving your body that makes you sweat, time moving your body that is constantly hard and barely doable even time doing something you dislike just because you think you should.

Because so much of our society has accepted the definition of a workout above, many people never try a “workout” like Pilates and never really give it a chance because they feel like it’s not hard enough or won’t work for them.

I have a secret for you…that’s not really a secret…. the reason that Pilates is so effective once people commit to it is that it is adaptable to their specific body and it adapts with them to keep challenging them for years to come. It often doesn’t “seem like a workout” because it is taught by experienced teachers who give you just enough of a challenge to keep you progressing, but not so much that you hate it and don’t feel like you can do it. It doesn’t seem like a workout because it entertains your body and brain at the same time.

What if our criteria for what a workout included things like movement time that gave me noticeable feel better in my body results? Movement time that challenged my body and brain to do things that I don’t do often in my regular life like moving my spine in lots of different directions or gently stretching muscles that are often shortened and tight?

I have nothing against workouts that are super challenging and workouts that make you drip sweat. These types of workouts can produce great results for people and that is amazing.

What I want to point out is that if you are one of those people who isn’t really working out at all or maybe someone who has never tried Pilates because you thought it wouldn’t really count as a workout…maybe it’s time to change how you think about your movement and exercise time. I could almost guarantee that if you are not feeling the best in your body right now…Pilates could help! Give it a try!

I’ve been teaching Pilates for a long time and in that time I have gotten to observe a lot of different people and different bodies who come to Pilates and give it a try.  On a daily basis I get to hear from clients about how their Pilates practice has changed their life,made them stronger, helped them get rid of pain and allows them to move better in their daily life so that they can live the life they dream of.  Many talk about how Pilates makes them happier and keeps their body feeling happier.  

I also see lots of people who are super excited to try it, enjoy it and can really see how it could benefit their life and then give it up.  So what’s the key to being a Pilates success?  How can you get what those happy people have, those people are feeling amazing in their body? It might be simpler than you think.  The secret is patience and persistence.

Joseph Pilates said,”Patience and persistence are vital qualities in the ultimate successful accomplishment of any worthwhile endeavor.”

I couldn’t agree more!  So what does it mean to be patient and persistent when it comes to your Pilates practice?  I really think it comes down to showing up and not giving up.  We live in what I like to call a “quick fix” world.  Society has convinced us that you can buy a solution to any problem you have.  We’re spoiled by the convenience of being able to walk into a store or click a button online and have just about anything we want almost instantaneously. But  so many things in life can’t be bought or obtained quickly…our health, our happiness, learning a new sport or discipline in your body, learning new eating habits, friendships and relationships.  The key to success in any of these arenas is consistent positive action taken over time.  And when I say time I don’t mean the “6 weeks to a skinny you program” kind of time…I mean years  (yep…years).

Think of that friend or two in your life who you can’t imagine doing life without.  Did your friendship with them just happen overnight?  How long have you known them? How many life experiences have you shared with them and what do you do on a regular basis to connect with them?  Are you or were you an athlete at some point in your life?  How many practices did you attend? How many games did you win (and lose)?  How long did you play that sport before you were feeling pretty accomplished in it?  Do you have someone in your life who you admire because you feel like they are in great shape and they really take care of their body?  My guess is if you ask them they have made a commitment in their life to make movement part of their life…they probably have a routine that they’ve been following…probably for years!

I can tell you first hand from my own life and from the clients I get to work with on a daily basis…the key to feeling good in your body, to getting results from your Pilates practice (or any movement practice) is consistency over time.  Adding more movement into your life is not a hard thing to do, but as easy as it is to do….it’s just as easy not to do.  Adding 5-10 minutes of Pilates based exercises to your day is pretty doable for everybody and I guarantee that if you did that for 3 months, 6 months, or a year…you would feel an amazing difference in your body and your life.  Taking even just one Pilates class per week over a year would change how your body feels when you look back a year from now.

When I observe those clients who have really embraced movement as part of their life, the ones who feel and see results from their movement practice on a daily basis I see a lot of the same characteristics, traits and habits.

Here’s just a few:

  1. Movement is not an option.  Clients who are committed don’t give themselves the option of not doing it, even on the days when it would be just as easy not to do it.
  2. They come back after being sick, taking a break, etc.  Everyone has stuff in their life and it’s pretty unrealistic to think that you would never miss your workouts or movement time, but the big difference between the successful and unsuccessful is they stick with it.  If you sleep in and miss your workout, you get back to it the next day. Went on vacation and lounged on the beach for 2 weeks.. then you come back and get back into the routine.  Had a few months where you were consumed with taking care of a loved one or maybe even something as tragic as a death of someone you loved…they come back and keep moving.
  3. They create a routine or schedule.  Movement time is in the calendar, it’s as regular as eating lunch or brushing your teeth…again it’s not optional.
  4. They enjoy the process. They know that movement and exercise time for their body is not a quick fix for anything.  They are able to see the big picture of health and happiness.  They realize that their consistent habits will add up over time to things much bigger than fitting into their skinny jeans.. things like living longer, feeling good in their body so they can take amazing vacations or keeping up with their kids or grandkids…
  5. They surround themselves with like-minded people.  Sticking with something is never easy and it’s even harder if all of your friends and family are unsupportive and don’t get what you are doing and why. Having a trusted movement teacher or trainer who is on your side can make a world of difference. Having a workout friend who is on the same path of trying to keep consistent can give you just the support and camaraderie you need.  Having a place and space in your life to workout where you feel supported, loved and actually enjoy makes the process so much more fun and enjoyable and easier to stick with.

At Rivercity Pilates we are passionate about movement and what an amazing health tool it can be in your life.  Our staff is here because they love being “those supportive, like-minded people” in your life!  Our staff is on the same life journey as you. We are on a daily journey to use movement in our life consistently so that we too can live our best life.  Our daily interactions with our amazing clients inspire us in our own movement journey.  The studio is our “happy place” and we really hope it will become yours too.  If you are looking to add movement into your life we would love to meet you and introduce you to the studio, our staff and all of our fabulous inspiring clients!  Click here to schedule a complimentary private session to get started today!!