We have a new Beginner Yoga for strength and stability starting next Wednesday and I was thinking about how something as simple as taking a 4 week Yoga series could really make an impact in someone’s life. 

Your first Yoga class might not be the start of a new career like my first Pilates class was.  Yet you could discover that you really enjoy Yoga and start exploring a Yoga practice, you could meet new people that you enjoy moving and exercising with and and you could realize that something as simple as a weekly Yoga class could help you feel amazingly better in your body.

We’re excited to introduce a new 4-week yoga series at Rivercity Pilates—Strength and Stability Yoga, designed specifically for beginners! This unique class incorporates the steel mace, a powerful prop that enhances your practice by building strength and stability.

Strength & Stability Yoga Series Details

  • Duration: 4 Weeks
  • When: 5:30 pm – 6:20 p.m. Wednesdays – Sept. 18, Sept. 25, Oct. 2, Oct. 9.
  • Where: Rivercity Pilates
  • Cost: $99 for the 4 week series or use any current small group package

We understand that the steel mace might seem intimidating, but in our supportive and welcoming environment, you’ll find it to be an incredible tool for deepening your yoga journey.  Under the guidance of our expert instructor Shuva, you’ll learn how to safely and effectively use the steel mace, transforming it from a fitness tool into a partner in your movement practice.

Why should you join this series?

  • Enhanced Stability: The steel mace helps you focus on balance and control, crucial elements in yoga.
  • Strength Building: Incorporating this prop adds a new dimension to your poses, helping you build strength in a gentle yet effective way.
  • Supportive Community: You’ll be surrounded by fellow beginners, all learning and growing together in a positive environment.
  • Loving Your Movement: Most importantly, you’ll discover a new way to enjoy your movement time, making each session something to look forward to.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to experience yoga in a whole new light. The series begins September 18, and spots are already filling up fast! Reserve your place today and take the first step towards a stronger, more stable you.

What should you expect in Strength and Stability Yoga at Rivercity Pilates?:

  • Each week, we’ll focus on integrating strength-building exercises with yoga poses that promote flexibility, balance, and stability. The steel mace will be used as a tool to enhance your strength training while maintaining the mindfulness and flow of yoga.
  • Each session will have a specific focus, targeting different muscle groups and stability challenges. You’ll learn how to engage your core, improve your posture, and develop functional strength that translates into everyday activities.
  • Receive guidance from our experienced yoga instructor, who will guide you through each class, ensuring proper technique and alignment while encouraging you to explore your limits. Modifications will be provided.
  • Results: By the end of this series, you can expect to feel stronger, more stable, and more confident in your body. You’ll also gain valuable tools to incorporate into your personal practice, enhancing both your yoga and strength training routines.

Spaces are limited, so be sure to reserve your spot today! Whether you’re looking to build strength, improve stability, or simply try something new, this series is perfect for you. Let’s embark on this empowering journey together!

Sign up by requesting an appointment in Mindbody or simply email us and we can register you!

  • Are you wanting to add more exercise time into your life, but feeling nervous because you feel like your aging body is out of shape?
  • Are you one of those people that doesn’t really love to exercise but knows you need to do something?

I have some exciting news for you… you are not alone and so many people who feel just like you have figured out some foolproof ways to add more exercise into their life…helping them feel better and stay healthy!  

Two Exercise Tips if you’re feeling sluggish and out of shape! 
  1. Don’t try to do it by yourself. You are probably not one of those people that naturally and easily can add a movement routine into your life on a regular basis on your own—your brain is wired differently and that’s OK!You might need an accountability partner to help you create a habit in your life. If you have a friend or spouse who is willing to be this person in your life this can be a great way for you both to create accountability for each other. This can also be a little tricky because if the other person decides not to workout one day…it becomes very easy for you to do the same.
  2. Another great option is to schedule workout classes or private sessions with a fitness professional. By pre-scheduling your workout sessions you are creating accountability and as long as you do the work to show up you know that you’ll get a workout in once you get there.BONUS:  if you are scheduling with a trained professional you will have their expertise to navigate what and how you should be moving, ensuring that your exercise time is safe and effective.
    • Side note: Yes this definitely costs more than just doing it yourself and often makes people feel guilty. Try thinking of it like you think of your health insurance premiums. Do you get mad at yourself for having to pay for health insurance?  Absolutely not….it is a given that health insurance (whether we use it or not) is a necessity.Start thinking of your movement time as a necessity because it is absolutely important in maintaining your physical and mental health in your life!!   Know that you are in the majority of people who need an accountability partner to help maintain your health, just like we need skilled nurses and doctors to help us with our health and paying for that service is part of your health care plan.

      Of course if you absolutely cannot afford it (the pandemic has been hard on all of us!)  than make it a priority to find an accountability partner who will move with you and keeps you consistent with your movement time!   Make sure to make your movement time a priority by scheduling it on your calendar each day! 

  3. Find something you enjoy. I know what you are thinking, we just established that you are not an “exercise person” and you don’t enjoy exercise, how in the world can you find something you enjoy?Try to find something that you don’t hate? For example if you’ve never enjoyed running because it doesn’t feel good in your body, your knees hurt and you don’t like how your body feels while you are running…it seems like it would be silly to try to establish a running practice in your life. Walking or maybe biking on a recumbent bike might be more likable for you or maybe even some sort of dance inspired class.

    Many people who don’t love to exercise find that dancing to their favorite songs is so much fun they actually forget they are exercising! When it comes to building strength and flexibility, many people find that practices like Pilates and Yoga are much more enjoyable to them than just lifting weights at the gym. As a bonus these mind body practices also have a focus on combining breath and movement in a way that decreases stress and anxiety.

If you are ready to go from “sluggish and out of shape” to “moving more in your life”  I challenge you to do these three things in your life today!

  1. Find yourself an accountability partner (This can be a friend, family member or a fitness professional.  Often the simple act of scheduling training sessions or classes and putting them on your calendar helps you keep moving consistently.    
  2. Find some exercise you don’t hate and commit to adding more movement time into your life on a regular basis.
  3. Make sure you tell your accountability partner (whether this is a friend or a fitness professional) your goals so that they can help you stay consistent!

Want to learn more about how Rivercity Pilates can help you create a consistent movement practice in your life?

Schedule a complimentary session today and we’ll help you create a plan for success that you enjoy and we’ll help keep you consistently keep working toward your goals along the way!

Are you looking for a movement class that’s fun, challenging, and makes you feel rejuvenated?

Ready to try something new and exciting?

Join us for our weekly steel mace yoga class. It’s a supportive, judgment-free zone where we’re all discovering our strength and vitality. Your body (and mind) will thank you!

Yoga instructor Shuva Rahim has started introducing clients to the world of steel mace yoga in her Yoga For Every Body small group session (5:30 p.m. Wednesdays).

Why should you give steel mace yoga a try?

Here are three compelling reasons:

  1. Boost Your Functional Strength
    The steel mace adds gentle resistance to traditional yoga poses, helping you build strength in a way that translates directly to everyday activities. Whether it’s lifting groceries, playing with grandkids, or tending to your garden, you’ll notice the difference in your capability and confidence.
  2. Enhance Your Balance and Flexibility
    As we get older, maintaining balance and flexibility becomes crucial. Steel mace yoga challenges your stability in new ways, improving your overall balance and keeping you nimble. You’ll be amazed at how this practice can help you move more freely and gracefully.
  3. Sharpen Your Mind-Body Connection
    The unique movements of steel mace yoga require focus and coordination, providing a wonderful opportunity to strengthen the connection between your mind and body. This mindful practice can help reduce stress, improve mood, and keep your brain sharp.
testimonial from a student of Shuva's Steel Mace Yoga class at Rivercity Pilates.

You’ll be surprised at how quickly you adapt and grow stronger.  

Yoga For Every Body small group meets 5:30 p.m. Wednesdays at Rivercity Pilates. For the you can purchase any small group Yoga package for 30% off using the code steelmace!  

This is a short video demonstrating Yoga with the steel mace.

Carey Sadler, Owner Rivercity Pilates, North Liberty IOwa

If you have worked with me it’s likely you’ve heard me say, the most effective things to help us feel better in our body are often the most simple things. They are often so simple that people don’t do them because they seem so simple that they don’t convince themselves to add these things into their routines or into their daily life.    

Years (and years) ago I started practicing and learning rolling techniques with a teacher named Jill Miller.  Rolling is a way to practice self massage techniques to release tightness and tension in muscles and connective tissues throughout the body. Personally I found the practice empowering because when I noticed tightness or discomfort in my body I felt like I always had a tool I could easily use to help my body feel better. 

As a teacher I loved that I could use the techniques to help clients do the same thing.  As a teacher I also noticed that by adding in regular rolling sessions with my clients they  were feeling better in their body, were able to work in a more balanced way and got more out of the Pilates and strength training work they were already practicing because of it.  Needless to say I am a big fan of rolling!

There is one thing I notice though that I’m not a big fan of….these simple techniques fall into the category of almost too simple! Most people say that even though they can immediately feel the benefit of this work, they don’t prioritize adding it into their life. 

For many of my clients, they weren’t doing the beneficial rolling practice unless I made sure they were doing it when they came to see me.  This inspired me to create our Roll and Release Small Group Sessions as a regular offering at the studio.

I’m so excited to announce that we’ll be offering weekly Roll and Release small group sessions that will allow more of you to create a regular rolling practice in your life!

When you come in for your session we’ll have a mat set up for you with a lot different balls and rollers available for you.  Your teacher will guide you through a variety of movements and rolls designed to help you release tension and tightness throughout your body. 

These sessions are doable by ANY body and no experience is needed. If you are new to rolling check out the video I included below as an example.  This Psoas roll is one I recommend for those with tightness in their hips. If you have a ball at home try it out and let me know what you think.  

Starting July 20th we’ll be offering a weekly Saturday 10am and a Monday 5pm Roll and Release Small Group Session!   

Curious about creating a rolling practice? Email me to try out a Roll and Release session for free!

Do you or someone you know have an osteoporosis or osteopenia diagnosis?  I often get asked about recommendations for those who have been diagnosed and I like to keep it simple and recommend these 3 things when it comes to your movement and training time:

1. Walk as much as you can. 
Walking is something that helps you build bone strength and muscle and is an easy thing you can add into your life just about anywhere!  Challenge yourself to increase your daily steps!

2. Add some sort of strength training into your life. There are lots of ways to add strength training into your life…lifting weights, body weight exercises, Pilates, and Yoga can all be great!    Find something you enjoy and add it in consistently.

3. Add some focused balance training into your life. Besides strengthening your muscles and improving your mobility, balance training specifically trains your body to improve your balance.  When your bones are not as strong as they could be, a fall can result in an injury like a broken bone that greatly diminishes your ability to navigate life. (i.e., It will sideline you for awhile,) By being proactive about your balance skills you can prevent falls and keep active, strong, independent and feeling great in your body!

Even if you don’t have an Osteoporosis or Osteopenia diagnosis….these 3 things are what I would recommend to EVERYONE as you age to keep your bones healthy and strong and to keep you active and moving well!

New Monday 11 am Pilates small group equipment session with Shiho!

Ready to create a regular Pilates practice in your life?  Need the accountability of coming to the studio?   

Shiho is now offering small group Pilates Tower sessions Monday’s at 11 am, Wednesdays at 9 am and Thursdays at 5:30 pm. 

The Pilates tower system uses a system of springs attached to various handles bars and specialized attachments to support and challenge your body giving you a whole body workout that is super effective!   The Pilates tower is a favorite of our clients who are just starting a Pilates practice because the springs assist you and even though it is assisting you — you are still working at a level that is perfect for progressing your strength and mobility!

Small group sessions are limited to 4 participants and often fill quickly.  Schedule in Mindbody under appointments or simply email us and we can get you scheduled!