Is Pilates too expensive?

dollarsIf you’ve checked in to Pilates or Yoga studio prices you know they are not exactly cheap. $16 to $32 for a class might seem pretty ridiculous when you can get a monthly gym pass for $40 a month. I like to remind everyone though, like most things in life, you get what you pay for. How many of us have paid for that yearly gym membership and maybe only gone in 4 or 5 times in an ENTIRE YEAR!

Taking a full body exercise class like Pilates or Yoga with a qualified instructor in a small studio setting is definitely more expensive but most people find it’s worth every penny. First of all the class experience is NOTHING like that at the gym. The classes are personal, your instructor knows you and workouts are tailored to you! What this means for most people is that you actually enjoy coming and make it a priority to schedule it into your life.

What's missing in this picture? FITNESS!

What’s missing in this picture? FITNESS!

The payment system at our studio almost forces you to get rid of the excuses. At Rivercity Pilates we have a 24 hour cancellation policy for pre-scheduled classes. If you want to be guaranteed a spot in your favorite class you have to schedule ahead. And unless there is a major emergency, you pay for that class whether you come or not unless you cancel  24 hours before class. Many of our clients comment on how this enhances benefit because it forces them to be accountable and maybe come in and workout on a day when they don’t quite feel like it or could very easily just skipped their workout.

Some people think that taking classes at the studio is just for those who are wealthy, but I can tell you that is not the case. We have many clients who have very average incomes who make getting their Pilates and Yoga in a priority in their budgets. How do they do it?  They budget and make their health a priority!


[tweetthis remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]Do your $$ run out before you purchase your #Pilates/#yoga? Coupon for #budget classes here![/tweetthis]

At Rivercity we offers some great deals for clients such as discounted class prices for buying more classes up front, we offer a monthly $5 account credit if you schedule at least 4 classes per month (Schedule Ahead Rewards!), we give clients $15 account credit every time they refer a friend to the studio, and we often give away classes and discounts on our social media pages just for commenting or participating! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn as you never know when you could have a chance to win!

design (23)We believe your health and well being are very important and well worth being a priority in your life.   We also know that budgeting for your health is sometimes stressful.  If you are new to budgeting, we have a great resource for you!  Brooke Pettengill is a local accountant who specializes in family budgeting and she’s pretty amazing.  She offers budgeting classes and one on one sessions that will teach you how to budget for everything important in your life (including your health) and still save you money!

Mention this blog to Brooke and receive 15% any class, service or workshop she offers!

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