Nominate a Cancer Survivor and give them the gift of strength, inspiration, empowerment and encouragement…  One of my passions as a movement teacher is helping people use movement to improve the quality of their life.  I truly believe that whatever is going on in your physical body, movement can be used as a tool to […]

Happy, Healthy Holidays! Sunday, October 22   6 pm to 7:30 pm    Life Inspired is a free monthly event that we host for us to connect, learn something new, and have fun! Join Health Coach Amy Boelk and discover how to not just make it through the holiday season, but actually THRIVE! …and join us […]

  This month’s studio focus is the idea of “Precision” in your movement practice. For me, precision is simply fine tuning.  Precision is the challenge of continuing to practice a movement so that each time I do it, it gets a little better and I get a little bit “more” out of the exercise.  Precision is […]

Beginner Yoga 4 Week Series   Our September series filled so quick we added two more Beginner Yoga series in October (Wednesdays at 7:30 pm) and in November (Tuesdays at 7:30 pm)  This series is designed to introduce Yoga to those with limited or no experience.  If you’re a beginner in Yoga or haven’t practiced […]

Inspiration of the Month Kathleen Knutson When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start? I starting taking Pilates classes at Rivercity a little over a year ago. I had sporadically taken large group mat classes over the years at various gyms but was looking for a smaller studio to get better instruction on the proper form […]

 This month’s studio focus is the idea of centering in your movement practice and in your life, and I think it’s pretty relevant to this time of year. For me centering represents focusing on the important stuff first, because I find when I take care of what matters most first everything else falls into place. […]

I think we could all agree that not all workouts are for EVERY body.  For example….running is not the best choice for EVERY body.  If you are overweight or have knee or hip issues…running is not going to feel good on your body and its not necessarily good for it as it may exacerbate pre-existing […]

Our focus this month has been on breath.    This 15 minute Pilates Mat Workout focuses on using the full capacity of your breath, coordinating your breath with your movements and just plain breath awareness!  

Definition of souped–up :  enhanced or increased in appeal, power, performance, or intensity; also:elaborate, embellished I had a client who was fairly new to Pilates ask me,” Is the Pilates Cadillac just a souped-up version of the Pilates Tower?” and I absolutely loved her description!! The short answer to that question is yes!!  The Pilates […]