This week I’m kicking off a joint blog project with one of my students. Kelly has been taking Pilates with me for more than a year ( 15 months to be exact..) and our journey as teacher and student has definitely has been a huge learning experience for me. I work with lots of clients […]

As 2016 comes to an end I’m pretty excited to be able to say that I wrote a weekly blog about my Pilates and movement practice in my life. When I first committed to a weekly blog I was a little nervous that I would have enough to write about and be committed enough to […]

Have you ever wondered what is better- Mat Pilates or Equipment Pilates?  Or maybe you are curious about what the difference is between the mat work and the equipment work.  Keep reading and hopefully we’ll answer your questions! First of all it’s important to realize that Pilates is a method of exercise and there are […]