As we head into 2017 I’ve been thinking about my movement practice and contemplating what I would like to accomplish and experience throughout the year.  From a personal standpoint, I’ve decided that this year my focus is growth in all aspects of my life. What that means for me, is just a continual focus on […]

This week I’m kicking off a joint blog project with one of my students. Kelly has been taking Pilates with me for more than a year ( 15 months to be exact..) and our journey as teacher and student has definitely has been a huge learning experience for me. I work with lots of clients […]

As 2016 comes to an end I’m pretty excited to be able to say that I wrote a weekly blog about my Pilates and movement practice in my life. When I first committed to a weekly blog I was a little nervous that I would have enough to write about and be committed enough to […]