A common question I get from clients new to Pilates is, “Are we going to be doing a lot of planks? They really hurt my wrists or my back or….fill in the blank.”  The quick short answer is no.  You do not have to be able to do a plank to practice Pilates. You see […]

“Mom, how are your jump splits?” says my daughter.  Me,”My what? What do you mean?”  I immediately have a vision of the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders…   She then jumps in the air, does a leg split and lands in almost a full split on the floor.  It was pretty impressive and I laughed because I […]

It’s the holiday season and that means gift giving season.  I don’t know about you but in the crazy hectic season of giving I often find myself giving people a gift merely to cross it off my list.  It’s not that I don’t appreciate this person or want to give them something to show them […]