When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start? Two years ago, I was experiencing a lot of back pain. I had trouble getting out of bed in the morning and stopped exercising all together because I was afraid it was making things worse. After seeing an orthopedist and being diagnosed with osteoarthritis, […]

Why are high heels so terrible? In a nutshell it puts our foot into an unnatural position from a bony structure and the muscles and ligaments have to work and change to support that. This means your calf muscles and Achilles tendon are tight and shortened and the muscles on the top of your foot/ankle […]

Anything worth doing is worth doing well!  Often times when people are looking at our training programs I hear things like,  “Wow that is really expensive!” or “That takes a long time.” Here’s the deal.  Our training programs are teaching you to teach a highly effective, complex movement practice called the Pilates Method to any […]