If you haven’t met Sadie, she’s my adorable, lovable and oh so sweet Goldendoodle! (I may be a little biased!) Sadie is the ultimate example of what I am talking about today and so I thought it was a great excuse to share a cute picture of her with you! Have you ever noticed how […]

If you have low back pain and tightness — this might be the answer you’ve been looking for! We’re going to use our massage therapy balls, but you can also use any balls you have at home. WARNING: Don’t judge until you’ve tried rolling for relief. It’s seriously AMAZING! Want to learn more? You may […]

As a Pilates teacher and a trainer I have heard a lot of people over the years who “argue for their limitations” and most people don’t even realize they are doing it.  Have you heard that term before? “Argue for your limitations”?   Let me give you an example.  I introduce an exercise to someone and before […]