Can we talk about inspiration? Through my own self discovery process I’ve learned that I am motivated by inspiration (big surprise for those who know me…).  I love to inspire others to live their best lives, inspire others to add more movement to their life, inspire them to be happy, and just to see their […]

photo credit C. Cummings-Peterson

As a professional Pilates instructor I see a variety of clients with a variety of needs concerning their movement programs. Here’s a short list of why clients come to see me: Learn to move better Create a regular Pilates practice Stress Relief Overall Better Health Finding exercises suitable for their bodies even when they have […]

photo credit - BJ Monroe

We are too!  At Rivercity Pilates we want you to experience an enjoyable session or class and not be concerned about the germs maybe left over from the last person!  Besides our regular studio cleaning we have clients wipe down all the surfaces and props that they may have touched or used after their workout.  […]