Photo credit:   Pilates Fitness Institue Facebook Page

Photo credit: Pilates Fitness Institute Facebook Page

Some people have a problem with alcohol.    Some people have a problem with cocaine.   I have a problem with handbags.    It used to be Coach. Then it was Dooney.    Then it was Kate Spade.   Oh to have that cash back!!!!    However as my taste in handbags went from $50 to $100, to $200 to, you have to be kidding if you think I’m going to admit my most expensive handbag — somewhere I figured out that I was investing in things that brought me limited joy.     I love some of those handbags.    I have a drawer (and a plastic bin or two), full of handbags which have brought me joy at one time or another.     Those handbags didn’t help with my body image.     Those handbags didn’t make me feel better when I looked in the mirror.

A few years ago, I decided I was going to invest in myself.    That’s a complete lie, what was happening was I was going to a wedding, and I wanted to look good.     I went on Jenny Craig, I did aerobics, and I paid for private pilates sessions.     I lost weight, and no one recognized me at the wedding.   It wasn’t exactly what I was going for.    I struggled.    After I went back to eating “regular” food, I gained weight, and went through some things that are a part of life:  stress, losing a parent, things that I just wasn’t prepared for.    So much for that investment.    Here came the L-Bs (pounds) right back.  And more.

[tweetthis]Are you addicted to #handbags or #shoes? Read my story![/tweetthis]

Now I had to worry about my health as well as the mirror.    They were both screaming at me that I needed to get off the couch.    I googled.   I actually joined a gym.    It cost $38 per month.   I went 5 times the first month, and then I didn’t go for 14 months.   That didn’t work out so well.  I could have spent $532 on another expensive handbag, but I was “investing” in my health!

I started Pilates at Rivercity Pilates for 2 reasons.   1) They offered a complimentary session so that I could see if I was able to do the exercises and 2) I knew the pilates equipment would assist me in doing things that my overweight body simply couldn’t do.    Here I am, 18 months later. I am clearly a Pilates-aholic.   I have started a mindful movement practice, and it brings me a peace I didn’t know was possible.   I am not going to tell you I haven’t purchased an expensive handbag in 18 months, but I can tell you, that I purchased that handbag after I had purchased my Pilates packages!    That unlimited Pilates classes package may be expensive, but like the picture says,  your body will be around a lot longer than that expensive handbag!

Pilates Student Blogger





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