Every Saturday morning at 9 am I teach a class titled: Return to Life on the Mat. The class is a Pilates mat class that flows through the original Pilates Mat work sequence that Joseph H. Pilates created in his 1945 book titled: Return to Life.  It’s probably one of my favorite classes to teach […]

As a professional Pilates instructor I get the chance to work with some amazing, inspiring clients on a daily basis.  And on a daily basis I see how poor body image and limiting thoughts really keep people from being happy, reaching their goals and maybe pursuing bigger goals!  I am thankful in my own life […]

When did you start coming to Rivercity Pilates and what inspired you to start? When my good friend, Patti Lounsbury, asked last November if I would like to join her for a session at Rivercity Pilates, I accepted without hesitation.  I had heard of Pilates, but not a clue as to what it was, already […]