For those of you who practice Pilates you know its not always easy to describe Pilates to those who have never done it.  I had a prospective client ask me the question,” What do you love about Pilates?” .  I naturally listed off some of the many things that popped into my head. Really though […]

Welcome back to our Pilates and Pregnancy blog! This is going to be my last installment for this pregnancy. It’s been so much fun sharing my journey from 13 weeks pregnant to 7 weeks postpartum with you. I hope that this blog has been helpful and motivational whether you are currently pregnant, planning on becoming […]

Hello and welcome back to our Pilates and Pregnancy blog. At six weeks postpartum I had another private lesson with Carey. I had been cleared by my doctor for exercise and Carey knew it! I titled this blog “No More Mr. Nice Carey” because all of the breaks and modifications she made for me while […]