Inspiration of the Month Shelley Mockler


Inspiration of the Month

Shelley Mockler

September 2014

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?

I tried my first complementary session in April 2013. I was inspired to try Pilates because I thought it might be a good option for some of my physical therapy clients. I wanted to learn more about the method to see if it would be a good fit for my patients, but I ended up enjoying my introductory session so much that I decided to come back to establish my own practice.

A few months after my introductory session (July 2013), I made it back to the studio to start my practice. At that time, I was a full-time student and was also working full-time. I had fallen out of my usual exercise routine and Pilates seemed like a great option to help me to get back in to a more consistent exercise routine.

How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing?

 I started out taking private lessons to learn the method and then transitioned to group classes. I took lessons and classes every other week when I started and gradually added in more sessions after the first few months.

 I currently take a mix of mat and equipment classes at the studio 1-2 times per week and also add in 1-2  mat sessions at home.  I am working on building up to a daily practice using the videos from Rivercity on YouTube.

What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates?

 From a physical perspective, I have noticed that my muscles are more toned and my posture is better.  I also pay more attention to how I am moving throughout the day.

From a more global perspective, Pilates has helped me transition focus to my personal wellness again. I always feel refreshed when I am done with a session, which keeps me coming back for more.


Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?

 My favorite piece of equipment is the chair.  I love that there are some many options in such a small package!

Some of my favorite exercises are rolling like a ball (because it is fun!), teaser (it’s hard, but rewarding), and elephant (because it feels good).

Why did you decide to go through the Body Precision Comprehensive Teacher Training Program?

 I decided to go through the program for both personal and professional reasons.  On a personal level, I wanted to learn the method in more depth and refine my own practice.  I enjoy learning on my own, but do best when I am part of a structured program, so the Body Precision Comprehensive Teacher Training Program seemed like the best way for me to take my practice to the next level.

On a professional level, I wanted to learn the method so I could incorporate Pilates principles and exercises in to my work as a physical therapist. Pilates incorporates many principles that are familiar to me as a therapist and I think the method will be a good addition to my practice. It was important to me to learn the method in more detail before incorporating it in to my professional practice.


What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?   

 Give it a try!  Set aside an hour for the complementary introductory session and see what you think.  Pilates is appropriate for almost anyone, so don’t let wondering if you are flexible enough, strong enough, fit enough, etc. keep you from trying it out. Rivercity Pilates offers a supportive environment that will help you be successful!



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