I recently surveyed a group of people I was going to be speaking with to get a feel for where they were at in their life with movement and exercise.  One of the questions I asked is: What are your biggest obstacles when it comes to exercise? The 3 most common answers I got were: […]

Do you have a treadmill that just sits and collects dust or maybe functions as a clothes hanger? We’ve all bought some home fitness equipment thinking we would use it only have it sit collecting dust.  My favorite home fitness equipment are things that are inexpensive, don’t take up a lot of room and can […]

Tell us about yourself / your family.  I live in North Liberty with my husband, Chad, and our 3 kids, Isaac (9), Isabel (7), and Cole (3).  I work as a physical therapist in Coralville, at an outpatient orthopedic clinic.  We spend our days running between various kids’ activities or being outdoors.  Describe yourself in 5 […]