Originally posted on February 27, 2013: Today’s blog is one of celebration! As a Pilates instructor there is nothing that I LOVE more than celebrating the success of my clients. I’m hoping that by sharing this wonderful, inspirational story someone will be given the hope and inspiration to believe in themselves and continue pursuing their own […]

Originally posted on October 2012: This month’s Inspiration is a true testimony to the power of movement and the power of the human spirit.  It has been an honor to have Su as one of our treasured clients and to be part of her journey! Su( Doing her teaser in NYC for our summer photo […]

Joseph Pilates stated, “Above all, learn how to breathe correctly.” Proper breathing is the cornerstone of the Pilates method of exercise. The Pilates breathing technique promotes learning how to use the full capacity of our breath by emphasizing a complete inhale and a complete exhale. There is also a focus on maintaining the engagement of […]