Yes I guess Pilates is expensive, I kind of forgot….   I forgot how when I started Pilates the cost was a factor in my planning my Pilates classes and sessions.  These days I don’t think twice about what I pay for Pilates sessions.  What I do think about is how I feel if I haven’t been […]

Are you  surprised to know that many of the people that take our Pilates teacher training programs are in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s?  There of course are absolutely no age “rules” about how old you should be to teach Pilates.  I would guess that the average age demographic that most people start to add Pilates […]

My favorite client story this week: I was trying to be supermom this week and save a little time (not sure why I didn’t just make 2 trips!) I tried to carry all the grocery bags into the house all at once and by the time I made it in I was feeling tightness and pain […]