A love letter

I wrote this letter originally 6 years ago.  Every year I say to myself I should rewrite my love letter to my clients.  Then I read it and think, I don’t think I need to rewrite it. The words I originally wrote still portray how I feel really well!  So here it is!  Sending lots of love to all of my amazing, wonderful clients over the years who have let me be part of their movement practice, part of their life!

Dear Devoted Pilates Client,

1.  You are amazing!  I am amazed and inspired daily by your devotion to your Pilates practice!  I know, as much as you love your Pilates sessions, that it is not always easy to get to the studio.  Life happens and there are a million excuses you could use to not come in- but you do.  Your devotion inspires me in my daily life.  Thank You!

2. You are making amazing progress in your Pilates practice and in your life every time you practice.  As instructors we are often giving you feedback on how to improve your practice because that’s part of our job.  I probably don’t spend enough time telling you how far you’ve come and how great you’re doing.  One of the wonderful parts of my job is that I get to see people create positive changes in their bodies on a daily basis. Keep it up!

3.   I love to celebrate the little milestones with you!   Can you pick something off the floor without your back hurting?  Can you sit comfortably on the floor with your kids or grandchildren?  Are you sitting taller at your desk or has your posture improved?  I love to hear about and celebrate these moments with you.  I practice and teach Pilates so that I can help others live life to the fullest and it makes me happy when I hear your success stories!

4.  Please don’t feel bad about speaking up and telling me something doesn’t feel good in your body.  I know that not every exercise or movement is right for every body and it does not bother me at all if you tell me that something hurts or doesn’t feel right. In fact- I LOVE the opportunity to find something that does work for you.  Changing, modifying and creating exercises designed specifically for your body is what I am trained to do and I LOVE to do it!  It makes me cringe to have a client work through the pain.  I believe and know that exercise does not have to hurt to be super effective.  If you are in pain, then you are not getting the benefits of the exercise and you might be doing more harm than good to your body.

5. Thank you for choosing me to share your Pilates journey with you!  Working with amazing, nice, thoughtful clients makes me happy!  I know there are lots of choices when it comes to teachers and I truly value you as a dedicated client.

With Love,

Your Pilates Teacher

Inspiration of the Month Jenny Theony

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start? I joined Rivercity Pilates at the end of summer.  I came for the Yoga and stayed for the Yoga AND Pilates!  I wanted more Yoga in my life to compliment the cycling that I do. After taking some Pilates classes, I realized that both Pilates and Yoga would help with strength and stretching and general overall health.

How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing?    I do about two Yoga classes and two Pilates mat classes each week.  I’ve recently started taking the beginner reformer classes as well.

What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates?  Both Yoga and Pilates have helped build some core strength and flexibility.   I wasn’t getting that on a bike and my back feels so much better.  From cycling I had very tight quads and calves, which contributed to some knee pain and plantar fasciitis issues.  Yoga and Pilates have helped me stretch out those muscles and work on overall leg strength.

Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?    I love the whole mat sequence.  I don’t have a favorite exercise, but I am looking forward to improving my teaser! It’s still a big challenge for me.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates? Do it!  Everyone can benefit from Pilates and it is truly for every body!  Rivercity Pilates is very welcoming and a perfect place to give it a try.

What is the Pilates Chair??

What exactly is the Pilates Chair?  The word chair often creates images of a senior workout geared for those with limitations, when in reality the Pilates equipment named the Chair is a versatile spring based piece of equipment that can be great for practicing fundamental Pilates concepts but can also challenge even the most seasoned professional athlete.

In this quick video Carey will introduce the chair and show you just a few examples of different exercises that can be done on this amazing piece of Pilates equipment.

February Life Inspired

“Life Inspired” Classes are free and open to anyone. Beginners and new to the studio clients are welcome, you do not need to be a Rivercity Pilates client to attend. Reserve your spot here!

Top 3 Reasons Every Runner and Cyclist should do Pilates!

1. If you are injured you can’t ride or run. I know how torturous it is to not be able to get your miles in.

Seriously, when you constantly repeat the same movements without varying your exercise your body becomes imbalanced and imbalances cause injuries.

It all comes down to prevention. Pilates will help you create balance in your body and prevent injuries!


2. By creating balance in your musculature and increasing your core strength you will improve your cycling and running. Whether you are competitive with just yourself or others- you will see an improvement in your speed and endurance by adding Pilates to your fitness routine.

3. You might actually enjoy it! If you love to move and
challenge your body, you will probably find yourself looking forward to the
challenges of your Pilates practice.

Want to try it out?
Contact us today to schedule your complimentary Pilates session !

Click here to see our latest class schedule!

Do you know a runner or cyclist who could benefit from adding Pilates into their fitness routine?  Use the buttons below to share this blog!

The #1 reason people don’t try Pilates

Could this “excuse” keep you from being healthier and happier?

“I am too out of shape to even try it!”  or “I tried a few of the moves at home and I can’t do them at all!”


We don’t expect you to be able to do everything perfect on your first session (or even your 30th session)! 

Pilates at Rivercity Pilates is designed to take you from whatever level you are at (from a true to beginner to someone with years of experience) and give you the tools to take your Pilates practice to the next level.

Our experienced instructors, small group classes and private sessions create an environment that allows you to be comfortable learning, strengthening, stretching and balancing your body.

We want everyone to know that there are NO prerequisites to starting a Pilates fitness program.  The Pilates method of exercise is adaptable to any body of any size, shape, or physical condition.

You don’t need to be able to do a push up, touch your toes or even sit criss-cross applesauce with your legs to start Pilates!

Our instructors can create an exercise program individualized to your body that will leave you feeling energized, de-stressed, healthier and happier!

We also want you to know that Pilates is a method of exercise and not just a series of choreographed exercises.  What this means to you is that not every exercise is good for your body.  Every body has its own unique characteristics and your instructor will help you learn what types of movements and exercises will best benefit your individual body.

Starting a new exercise program can be very intimidating and we know that often the hardest part is that first step of getting started.  This is why at Rivercity Pilates we offer a no pressure, completely free private session for all of our new clients. We are passionate about the Pilates method of exercise and want as many people as possible to experience what it could do in your body and in your life.  This first session is a wonderful way for you to experience Pilates with us and see if it’s something you want to pursue.

Be sure to watch Audrey’s video to hear her talk about what scared her most about coming in to the studio and how she felt after she started!

Click here to get started at Rivercity Pilates and schedule your complimentary private Pilates session.  We look forward to seeing you at the studio!