March Matness started back in 2013 when Pilates teacher Benjamin Degenhardt decided to create kind of a March Madness for Pilates enthusiasts.. He posted a picture each day of March with one of the 34 original Pilates Mat exercises bringing awareness to the exercises, the Pilates Method and to the people who love to practice Pilates. You can read the story of how it all started by clicking here.
Looking back through social media I found some March MATness videos from 2016 that I believe was the first year we officially started celebrating March MATness as a studio! I included the video below from the first day of the challenge in case you want to see some footage from the first year!
Funny things: Watching this video now drives me a little crazy because in the 2016 video I kept calling the exercise the Hundreds. The official name of the exercise is the Hundred and some time after that was recorded I realized that I was adding that extra s, making it sound like you might have to do multiple sets of a hundred pumps…
11 years after it all started and 8 years after we started participating, the Pilates community and RCP still celebrates March Matness as a fun way to bring awareness to the Pilates exercises and to share our love of the Pilates Method!

Join us in participating in March MATness by participating in our March MATness challenge.
We’ll share the exercise of the day on our social media sites and our Youtube Channel. The easiest way to earn entries into our prize drawings is to watch our daily video where I explain the exercise of the day and comment on the video so we know you watched it! Click here to see the entire playlist of exercises!
Try out the exercise of the day practicing it your way! Remember, it’s just practice…we don’t expect you to be able to do all of the exercises perfectly…the fun is in practicing!

Too busy (or too far away) to come to the studio?

Want to see what a regular Pilates Mat practice could do for you? While we’d love it if you came to the studio, we also have options if you’d like to start your Pilates practice at home!
From now until March 1 you can get 50% off your first month of our Pilates Mat subscription (normally $34.99/month) or our Have it all subscription (normally $39.99/month). Cancel your monthly subscription at anytime.
In March we’ll be giving away special prizes all month long to our On Demand Library subscribers! Win prizes for things like getting the most classes in, being the most consistent and completing our daily March MATness exercise of the day.