It’s the holiday season and that means gift giving season. I don’t know about you but in the crazy hectic season of giving I often find myself giving people a gift merely to cross it off my list. It’s not that I don’t appreciate this person or want to give them something to show them they are important in my life….it’s just that I ran out of time. I really love to give gifts that have meaning, that are well thought out, that reflect how amazing the person is I’m giving it to, and is something they will treasure. Unfortunately, my life gets crazy and I end up buying a gift certificate for something I know they will use. Gift certificates are not a bad thing, it’s just that I often feel like maybe I didn’t put enough thought or effort into my gift giving.
I was thinking about this idea in terms of the gift certificates we sell at the studio. Things like Pilates, Barre and Yoga are often considered luxuries in peoples lives. For many people, they feel a little guilty spending $15 to $30 a session for a Pilates class when they could go to the local gym for $19.99 a month. Yet we all know that the gym membership doesn’t do you any good if you never use it! So what an amazing gift of health you are giving someone by giving them permission to indulge in their own health. What could be even more indulgent than the classes and sessions themselves? Cute Socks!! That’s right…cute grippy socks!! Because here’s the thing…so many times our regular clients have seen the light in knowing that paying a little extra for quality instruction and something they love is totally worth it. But they feel a little guilty about wanting to get a cute pair of grippy socks or even a shirt or pair of pants that they are merely going to work out in. The wonderful thing about a cute pair of grippy socks or your favorite workout top is that they make you happy when you are exercising. Feeling good about what you are wearing is sometimes just the motivation you need to take that class that you are thinking about skipping! From a gift giving perspective, the other great thing about a cute pair of grippy socks is that every time they wear them they’ll think of you and the thoughtful gift you gave them!!
So if you’re thinking about getting someone you love a gift certificate for movement and health….don’t forget the cute grippy socks!!!
Need some gift giving ideas for someone you know? We’d love to help! send us an email at or call us at 319.665.2499!!