
I ran across this graphic the other day ago and thought it had some great tips for those trying to get started adding more movement into their life!

1. You’re not always going to feel like it.  Even those people who have made movement and exercise a habit in their life…don’t always “feel” like doing it.  What happens though is when you create a habit of movement in your life the benefits outweigh the not doing it.  The more you do it, the more your body remembers how good it feels when you are moving on a regular basis.

It’s really easy when life gets hectic and stressful to let movement and exercise be the first thing you don’t do, when you would probably feel better mentally and physically if you did something. So often you need to make yourself move  or at least get started moving!!

Carey’s favorite tip:  Make a commitment to do something on a regular basis.  Try not to fall into the all or nothing frame of mind.  Something is always better than nothing and there is always something you can do where ever you are and however much time you have.  Don’t limit yourself to “exercise time” to add movement in.  Little bits of movement often seem more doable and they are often more effective than an hour workout because you are more likely to do them!  This doesn’t mean you should throw your regular exercise time out the window…but maybe start trying to think about movement as something that’s incorporated into your life instead of something you start or stop.

2. Pay a professional to guide you.  There are so many reasons to hire a professional movement instructor to guide you, but here are my top 3.  First, is that you don’t want to get injured.  A qualified instructor is going to tailor workouts specifically to your body, to your level and keep you safe.   Second,  a great instructor will teach you in a way that fits your personality and learning style so you feel successful and enjoy the process( exercise does not need to be miserable!!) Third, you will be accountable to your instructor.  Trying to workout by yourself can be a challenge and having a trusted instructor with scheduled session times will help keep you committed( especially on those days when you don’t really feel like it!)

3.  Set realistic targets using a proven method…  Pilates is my method of choice as a movement instructor, but there are a lot of great movement programs that can help you get results.  The Pilates method is a whole body movement system designed to create balance in the body through a safe, progression of exercises.  The Pilates method utilizes both your own body and a variety of spring based equipment designed to support and assist the body in achieving it’s goals.  The Pilates Method is adaptable to any body, level or condition and can be especially great for those who haven’t been active or maybe have some injuries or things going on that might limit their movement ranges.

4.  Find a way to have a worthy but consistent approach of fitness..  Find something that works for you and stick with it!  Movement and exercise programs are not a one size fits all!  Most people journey through lots of different things before they find the combination of movement that works for them.  Keep trying until you find something you enjoy that makes you feel better in your body!

For more information about seeing if Pilates is something you’ll enjoy, sign up today for a complimentary session.

Everyone knows that you tell your troubles to your hair stylist, or your bartender, but your Pilates instructor?   Yep, that’s what I did, and she even solved this one for me.

I was on vacation recently and we were doing a lot of walking.   Last year, I had worn new boots on the airplane, and started the trip with blisters which filled my entire vacation with sore feet.    I was determined not to do that this year.

The first day of vacation, I put on my ToeSox and a pair of UGG Riding boots which are very comfortable, and we headed over to the convention center.  I didn’t get blisters, but two hours later, my lower back was screaming with shooting pains.    I took some Ibuprofen, but it didn’t touch it.   I tried doing some Pilates breathing, and being more aware of my posture but it didn’t help.    I was carrying a tiny purse, so I knew that wasn’t it.   We finally had to take a break from walking, because I was feeling rotten.

When we got back to the hotel, I texted Carey, and told her I was having back pain for the first time in months.   She asked me what shoes I was wearing.   I told her, and she advised me to wear shoes with more support.   The next day, I wore a pair of cowboy boots.   We walked for hours.   No back pain.

IMG_2609The third day I wore a brand new pair of cowboy boots, which I was thinking was risky because they weren’t broke in.    No back pain, no foot pain.     It was cowboy boots on my feet the entire rest of the trip.   My UGGs are comfortable, so I can wear them for errands, and certain activities, but if I’m doing any amount of walking, I make sure to wear shoes with more support!


One of the highlights of my Pilates practice this week was a beautiful walk in freshly fallen snow.  Yes I consider a walk in the snow part of my Pilates practice!

Many years ago,  I would joke about the old pictures Joe standing in the snow in nothing but his white briefs but the older I get and the more my Pilates practice matures I really get it!  When I read Return to Life and read Joe words about the importance of plenty of sunshine and fresh air,  I realize that Joe’s method isn’t just about the exercises he teaches, it’s about a way of living and moving that keeps you healthy and strong inside and out.

Footprints in the snow on the sidewalk.

Footprints in the snow on the sidewalk.


I’ve come to the realization that I need to move outside (running or walking on the treadmill doesn’t quite do it for me), and my body is so much happier when I do it on a regular basis!  No worries though – I dress for the weather and my walks in the snow involve my long down coat!!  For me it’s more than just the’s the fresh air, the time to myself, the time to just soak in my surroundings and be in the present moment (like watching the snow fall on my walk this week!)



I’ve been keepingjoseph-pilates-82-anos a journal to track my Pilates practice and I’ve realized that I do a lot of Pilates Mat work, which probably shouldn’t surprise me. The Pilates Mat work is so easy to do anywhere, anytime so it is often easiest to incorporate into my days.  Noticing this trend I have been making a point this week to get more Reformer workouts in and just play time on the equipment in when I have a chance. I’ve re-realized what a great tool the equipment can be in my movement practice. There is something about the springs and the feedback system created by the equipment that always helps me to create more balance, fine tune more and really work deeper.  My focus has really been how can I use the equipment to get more out of the exercise……more length, more decompression, more balance.

Hope to see you at the studio this week so I can help you explore your Pilates and movement practice!!





IMG_6734Often times when I correct a client on a particular exercise they will respond afterwards with a, “Ooooh, so I was cheating…”   I don’t really love the word cheating when it comes to movement because I feel like it’s such a negative word.

I really believe that wherever you are in your body you are trying to do the best you can at any given moment and it is absurd to think that you could or would do something perfectly right away or even after lots of practice. Many times it takes a combination of understanding the exercise’s choreography, knowing the goals of the exercise, maybe seeing what the exercise should look like, and lots of lots of practice before you figure out how to do it and how it should feel in your body. Even then there is always a better version you can do.

That all being said the answer is YES you were cheating. We don’t do it on purpose, but if there is an easier way to do something of course that’s what we naturally do first. If there’s a version that doesn’t require as much concentration, control, or work that’s what we do because that’s human nature.

The beautiful thing about your Pilates practice is that once you figure something out, once you know what you are trying to do and once your body has figured out how to do it- you’ll know if you are cheating yourself!! Once you have that “aha” moment where something clicks and you practice it…and it becomes part of how you move. It makes it really hard to go back to the place where you were “cheating”.

For anyone who has practiced Pilates you probably already know about these “aha moments” in your body. Usually these moments are accompanied by some conversations with yourself or your instructor that go like this, “Why is this exercise harder than when I used to do it? I really I am trying my best but it seems to just keeping getting more difficult! Shouldn’t it be getting easier?”

Nope….when you learn how to “fix your cheating” you learn to work deeper, with more control and more precision and it always seems like more effort even though for those watching you….it looks easy, controlled and graceful!!

So don’t feel bad about “cheating” in your Pilates practice! When your instructor helps you figure out how to do an exercise better be excited! It is all part of the learning process! Every time your instructor catches you cheating is another opportunity for you to practice at a deeper level.


ShariWhen did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start? Two years ago, I was experiencing a lot of back pain. I had trouble getting out of bed in the morning and stopped exercising all together because I was afraid it was making things worse. After seeing an orthopedist and being diagnosed with osteoarthritis, I was told that the best thing I could do was to keep moving. I was told to find some type of exercise that I enjoyed and to stick with it.
I decided I wanted a personal trainer or program which would accommodate my physical limitations and hectic schedule. To be honest, I can’t remember exactly how I found Rivercity Pilates but I am sure glad I did!  
How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing?  I try to attend at least two classes per week. I usually attend mat classes, but I also enjoy the equipment classes as well. I get bored easily and I like to mix it up with different classes and instructors. Each instructor has her own unique way of explaining the exercises and that helps me focus on my technique.
What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates?  Just like a lot of things in life, you don’t appreciate something until it is taken away. I didn’t notice all the benefits I was getting from Pilates until I had to stop due to an injury. When I am able to attend class regularly, my back feels better and my body is better toned. Since I work out of the home in a stressful job, I also really enjoy the social aspects of attending a class. After class, I always feel better and more relaxed.
Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?   I enjoy working with the tower!

Why are high heels so terrible?

In a nutshell it puts our foot into an unnatural position from a bony structure and the muscles and ligaments have to work and change to support that. This means your calf muscles and Achilles tendon are tight and shortened and the muscles on the top of your foot/ankle are over stretched. Because of this you are much more prone to injury in the ankles but also in other parts of your body from the compensating your body has to do. So over time wearing high heels can cause Low Back Pain, knee and hip pain, and bunions.

So for those of us who like to wear high heels what’s the solution? Do we have to get rid of all our cute heels?

I of course like to educate people about why wearing heels a lot is not the best thing for you and can cause a stream of physical problems, but realistically I know that you’re probably not going to stop wearing heels because I tell you they’re not great for you unless you happen to be in a lot of pain!

Tips and exercise that can help counter the effects of wearing high heels.

  1. Take your shoes off at work if you can!! Just taking your shoes off and letting your muscles lengthen out when you are sitting at your desk will make a big difference!
  2. Anything to stretch your calves.   The easiest way to do this might be with a small ball.
  3. Stretch, strengthen and lengthen the muscles and fascia on the bottom of your feet with a small ball.
  4. Spread your toes. When we wear high heels our toes often get cramped into a small space and just spreading your toes apart 6- 8 times can stretch and strengthen the muscles you need to create proper support in your foot.
  5. Core strength is important as well so you can balance if you do get off balance -standing balance exercises are great
  6. Regular massage can be a great tool as well to keep the muscles and tissues healthy and lengthened as well (and it usually feels great!) spouse!!

Carey was on Fox28 in the Morning to talk about these exercises.