When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?
I started Pilates the last week in March. The past 2 years have been challenging for me. I’m an only child and in the past 18 months, my then 84yo mom had a stroke, broke her hip, and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She passed away 5 months and 2 weeks after her cancer diagnosis in my home. My 90 year old father has moved in with me and it’s been 18 months of making sure my parents had everything they needed. I had let my fitness slide before they moved in with me and I continued down a non-healthy path and gained more weight. I finally embraced the advice that to be a good caregiver, you also need to take care of yourself, but still I was scared. It’s hard being out of shape and overweight.
The one thing that actually got me to make the commitment to try Pilates was the complimentary session offered by Rivercity Pilates. I felt like I could make sure I was comfortable there and try it out before I actually signed up for sessions. When Carey explained that Joseph Pilates invented these exercises because he was sickly, the practice of Pilates made much more sense to me.
How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing?
I have been trying to go to Pilates 4-6 times per week to improve my health. I started with one-on-one training sessions and made sure I was comfortable doing some of the exercises, (I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t look like an idiot), before I joined a group session. My favorite phrase in Pilates is, “your working level”, although the instructors are terrific at letting me know how to challenge, “my working level”, so I can see improvement. I am much more comfortable in the equipment classes than I am on the mat, but I am trying to attend a variety of classes to keep challenging myself.
What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates?
I can see myself improving on some of the exercises now that I couldn’t do, (or could barely do), 2 months ago. What I love about Pilates is that you can see improvement if you commit to improvement. I think it’s the same challenge people get from playing golf. You are concentrating on yourself, so you really notice improvement.
I have more energy, I am not feeling as creaky (and old) as I was two months ago. But most importantly, one of my best friends was here this weekend and she said that I looked healthier. That’s all I needed to confirm that Pilates is helping me become healthy again.
Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?
Mostly I have least favorite exercises because I am still gaining the strength to do them completely. I like all the equipment classes because I find the ingenuity to create the machines to assist with the exercises amazing! I’m a technology geek, but this equipment was developed before the depression.
What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?
Before I started I was trying to balance the cost of classes against the benefits as well as the insecurities. It was easy to say that Pilates was too expensive and continue to be a couch potato. However, just 7 weeks after starting Pilates I feel better, and my closest friends can see that. In the words of Nike, “Just Do It”. Check out the website and sign up for the complimentary session.