Try Pilates TODAY
Rivercity Pilates offers in-studio and virtual classes to fit all your needs and whatever your schedule allows. Get started today.
Rivercity Pilates
1210 North Jordan #1
North Liberty, IA
Opening Hours
Regular Studio Hours: Sessions are available daily by appointment from 5:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Appreciate the body you have!!!
Motivation and InspirationAs a Pilates teacher I get to work with lots of different bodies that have lots of different things going on and I wouldn’t have it any other way. There is nothing I love more than being able to help some one figure out how to use movement to empower their body and to truly […]
Move first in the morning!!
Motivation and Inspiration, Pilates in Your LifeAs a Pilates teacher I often am up bright and early to teach classes and clients. I try to make it a point to get to the studio early enough that I have a little time to move a little myself before I start teaching, so that I’m a little more awake in my brain […]
Am I doing this right?
Motivation and Inspiration, Pilates in Your LifeWhen people first discover Pilates I find it can be a little overwhelming! One of the things I love about the method is that traditionally it is taught in one on one or small group atmospheres and teachers are trained to teach students to move properly so that they don’t get injured. Because Pilates teachers […]
I don’t do bendy-twisty things…
Motivation and Inspiration, Pilates in Your Life, Pilates Student StoriesI was talking to a friend the other day ago about Pilates and mentioned I should take her with me sometime. She immediately said “Oh I don’t do any bendy and twisty stuff!” That made me laugh because I knew exactly what she meant. We’ve all seen those pictures of yogis on Instagram and Facebook […]
How do you progress in Pilates?
Motivation and Inspiration, Pilates EquipmentA client was asking me today about how you progress when using the Pilates equipment. She was examining the springs and asked me,” so does someone more advanced than me use a heavier spring? Is that how you make it more challenging?” Unlike traditional weight training and fitness programs where you continue to challenge you […]
Inspiration of the Month Natasha Pashkova
Inspiration of the Month, Motivation and Inspiration, Pilates Student StoriesWhen did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start? I discovered the Pilates exercise method a long time ago through books and DVDs and began practicing at home. To get better motivation and more consistent Pilates exercises, I started to search for Pilates group classes in the Iowa City area. The Rivercity Pilates […]
Crohn’s, Pilates and Life: How many miles have you run?
Pilates Student StoriesLast week I talked about one of the two questions I always ask Kelly when she comes in for a session. Today I talk about the other question,” How far have you run or biked since I last saw you?”. Now you are probably thinking, that’s seems like a pretty reasonable, expected question from your […]
Tips to help you with your Cadillac Roll Down!
Instructional VideoThe Roll Down on the Cadillac is a great exercise for gaining more mobility in the spine as well as strengthening the core and shoulder stabilizers. This video will highlight the basics of the exercise including how to set up and breathing. It will also give you some fine-tuning tips so that you can get […]
Fabulous Pilates Mat Mini Workout
Mini Workout, Pilates in Your LifeHere’s a mini mat workout you can do at home. When it comes to creating a Pilates habit, one of the most important things is to just do it. We know that with your busy schedules it’s not always easy to get in for a full class. When working out at home try to work […]