This week I’m kicking off a joint blog project with one of my students. Kelly has been taking Pilates with me for more than a year ( 15 months to be exact..) and our journey as teacher and student has definitely has been a huge learning experience for me. I work with lots of clients […]

Have you ever wondered what is better- Mat Pilates or Equipment Pilates?  Or maybe you are curious about what the difference is between the mat work and the equipment work.  Keep reading and hopefully we’ll answer your questions! First of all it’s important to realize that Pilates is a method of exercise and there are […]

A common question I get from clients new to Pilates is, “Are we going to be doing a lot of planks? They really hurt my wrists or my back or….fill in the blank.”  The quick short answer is no.  You do not have to be able to do a plank to practice Pilates. You see […]

It’s the holiday season and that means gift giving season.  I don’t know about you but in the crazy hectic season of giving I often find myself giving people a gift merely to cross it off my list.  It’s not that I don’t appreciate this person or want to give them something to show them […]

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start? My first Pilates session was July 11, 2014. My sister, Susan Frye inspired me to start. She has practiced Pilates for years and highly recommended it to me for my lower back pain. How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or […]

One of my favorite job perks as a Pilates teacher is that is has changed how I look at the world.  If I’m just getting introduced to someone, walking through the grocery store or maybe watching a sporting event on TV…I can’t help but look at how people move.  I automatically notice what moves well […]

Pilates can help you avoid back and neck pain from long hours at your computer!   Write yourself a yellow sticky note — (or a reminder in Outlook) to “Check your Pilates Posture” every 60 minutes.    Try it for 2 weeks — and see if you develop a better sitting posture while you’re working! […]

I am not sure exactly when I fell in love with Pilates. I took gymnastics as a child, and as I later pursued a life in the theater I enjoyed challenging myself in new ways: yoga, dance, karate, Tai Chi, mat Pilates.  But like many students, my irregular schedule and lack of funds made it […]

Here’s a mini mat workout you can do at home. When it comes to creating a Pilates habit, one of the most important things is to just do it. We know that with your busy schedules it’s not always easy to get in for a full class. When working out at home try to work […]