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Rivercity Pilates offers in-studio and virtual classes to fit all your needs and whatever your schedule allows. Get started today.
Rivercity Pilates
1210 North Jordan #1
North Liberty, IA
Opening Hours
Regular Studio Hours: Sessions are available daily by appointment from 5:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.
I need to get into better shape before I start Pilates again…
Motivation and Inspiration, Pilates in Your Life, Pilates Student StoriesI’ve been teaching Pilates long enough that I have clients that have been seeing me for years which quite frankly I find pretty amazing! I adore that clients have found a love for Pilates and incorporate it into their life and am super honored that they continue to choose me as their instructor throughout their […]
A Love Letter from Your Pilates Instructor
Motivation and Inspiration, Pilates in Your LifePilates instructors are very passionate people who LOVE what they do and they love the people they work with. In honor of Valentine’s Day, this letter was written to show you how much we care! Dear Devoted Pilates Client, 1. You are amazing! I am amazed and inspired daily by your devotion to your Pilates […]
Practice what you teach: Sometimes I surprise myself…
Motivation and InspirationAs someone who teaches movement for a career I have to tell you sometimes I am honestly surprised at how strong, flexible and functional my body is. I’ve been keeping track of my Pilates practice since the beginning of the year for this blog and I have to tell you I don’t workout in the […]
Is the Pilates Teaser your Nemesis?
Instructional VideoIs the Teaser your nemesis? In this video Carey gives you her favorite Teaser tips and her favorite way to help people practice their teaser! [tweetthis]Is #Pilates #Teaser hard for you? Use a #theraband to help your muscles learn![/tweetthis]
Practice what you teach: I need to take more classes!!
#PracticeWhatYouTeach, Group Classes, Motivation and Inspiration, Pilates in Your LifeI got to start off my week taking a Pilates Mat class this week and it reminded me of all the reasons I should take more classes with other instructors even though I practice Pilates on my own on a regular basis!! 1. 50 minutes of me time! It’s pretty rare that I take a […]
Do Pilates instructors need to know how to count??
Motivation and Inspiration, Pilates Student Stories, Private Pilates and Yoga Sessions, What's so great about Pilates?One of my long time clients was laughing at me today in our session. I think the moment happened something like this: I said ” We’re going to do five of these”. As I watching her move I made a few adjustments as she was doing the exercise and at some point said, “OK, one […]
Are you waiting until you feel like exercising?
Motivation and InspirationI ran across this graphic the other day ago and thought it had some great tips for those trying to get started adding more movement into their life! 1. You’re not always going to feel like it. Even those people who have made movement and exercise a habit in their life…don’t always “feel” like doing […]
A Long Distance Pilates Consult
Motivation and Inspiration, Pilates in Your Life, Pilates Student StoriesEveryone knows that you tell your troubles to your hair stylist, or your bartender, but your Pilates instructor? Yep, that’s what I did, and she even solved this one for me. I was on vacation recently and we were doing a lot of walking. Last year, I had worn new boots on the […]
Practice what you teach: A walk in the snow
#PracticeWhatYouTeach, Motivation and Inspiration, Pilates in Your LifeOne of the highlights of my Pilates practice this week was a beautiful walk in freshly fallen snow. Yes I consider a walk in the snow part of my Pilates practice! Many years ago, I would joke about the old pictures Joe standing in the snow in nothing but his white briefs but the older […]