Today’s exercise is a feel good one! Use your Pilates breath and try this a few times throughout your day to create length and movement in your spine and throughout your body!     [tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#officepilates #Pilates”]What could be better than doing the #Pilates #mermaid exercise at your desk? [/tweetthis] For more ways that you […]

Take a break from that hunched, rounded seated position to do a gentle back extension and your body will thank you!!             For more ways that you can use the Pilates principles during your work day, visit any of the links below: [catlist name=”office-pilates” numberposts=30 pagination=yes instance=1]  

How’s your balance?  If you have a standing desk you can easily stand on one leg and balance and still keep working!! Standing balance exercises will strengthen muscles in your foot, ankle, legs and hips and give you more functional balance throughout your life! For more ways that you can use the Pilates principles during […]

In today’s Office Pilates series Carey gives you some exercises you can do at your desk at work to stretch and strengthen your feet and ankles using a small 4 inch ball ( any small ball could work).   For more exercises you can do at your desk, check out our

It’s that time of year again and if you are like many men you are trying to think of a unique, thoughtful gift for your wife that she won’t want to return! What about purchasing her a package of private Pilates sessions? I know what you are thinking…..if I buy my wife fitness classes she’s […]

When it comes to our bodies- everything is connected and each muscle in our body has an effect on all the other muscles whether we realize it or not.  In Pilates we see all the time how a whole body approach to creating balance can create some pretty amazing changes to your body.  Did you […]

Want to sneak some exercise into your day?  A squat is a great full body exercise that can be done anywhere!  Find a version that works best in your body and add them into your day!!       For more ways that you can use the Pilates principles during your work day, visit any […]

In today’s Office Pilates Series Carey shows you how to use a small ball to relieve tension and stress in your neck shoulders.     For more Pilates exercises that you can do at your desk, visit our

Strength training doesn’t always have to happen at the gym.  A exercise band is a easy tool you can stash in your office desk drawer and use to get some strengthening in throughout your day! In today’s video Carey give’s you a couple of quick exercises you can esaily get in at your desk!!   […]