As part of our instructor training programs participants complete a performance test.  I always tell everyone there is no failing this test!  The purpose of this test is that you can do the Pilates work in your body.  I don’t care if it’s not perfect or the most super advanced version – I want […]

Pay attention to the names of those exercises when you’re in a Pilates class at the studio.   Why?   It may give you a clue to whether you’re doing the exercise correctly. Case in point.   Me. When I began doing Pilates, I hadn’t worked out in 2 years.    I was out of […]

  Some people have a problem with alcohol.    Some people have a problem with cocaine.   I have a problem with handbags.    It used to be Coach. Then it was Dooney.    Then it was Kate Spade.   Oh to have that cash back!!!!    However as my taste in handbags went from […]